A noted German born psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Fitz Perls stated that “Fear is just excitement without breathe.” This statement is one to ponder, because what can come out of this is a heart centered way to decipher the question: Am I feeling excitement or fear? Here’s a perspective that can prove quite helpful in daily life. When you encounter a new situation, take a deep breathe, and then slowly release it. Then ask yourself this simple question: Is this fear, or excitement that I’m experiencing?
When you took that deep breathe did you feel move expansive, like WOW, Oh Yeah, something is coming to better me, and you may feel an interesting sensation in your head or stomach, or did you just feel more aware? More aware in terms of like something doesn’t quite feel right, there is something I should notice here? Your inner guidance is designed for your benefit to protect you from serious life changing and/or life threatening circumstances.
In allowing yourself to develop this process you will be developing your own intuition.
Consider that what you may think is fear can just be your sixth sense or higher greater awareness telling you something. So go with your impression, your sense of it, your feeling on the greater awareness of it being a fear OR go with the energy of excitement.
F.E.A.R. has been known to mean False Evidence Appearing Real. You can also consider if it is possible that you could have been given a signal, from well meaning others as you were growing up, and you misinterpreted what you thought they were telling you, and therefore you interpreted excitement for fear. And concluded ‘that is fear’. That’s what they mean by fear when they said to me (example): “don’t be afraid”. You might not have been afraid at all, just excited, (like going to school, or going on the bus for the first time, but you interpreted fear for excitement…
As you re-interpret what things mean for yourself you open up space for the new to come in and advance you forward. It feels good and freeing when one give clarity to old outworn interpretations placed on yourself, and emerge gracefully into those parts of your authentic abilities.
Have the intention to shine the Light of the Creator through yourself each day to experience a deeper more encompassing self identity.
To discern better I see myself daily bathed in the Light of the Creator. You can adopt this for yourself if you like. This Inner Light, Guidance, and Radiance is invincible power and dissolves anything that is not Divinely planned. It dissolves all appearances of lack and limitation. Streaming your Light dissolves adverse conditions and negativity that you feel is formed against you.
To cast out the fear in any situation you can command (command is always done in a clear, firm, loving way):
“My heart is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, and is now in its right place, doing its right work. It is a happy heart, a fearless heart, and a loving heart.” Florence S. Shinn. This is a clarifying statement and worthwhile to say many times a day.
Dissolving limitations is always important for us to improve in life. By bathing yourself in the Light of the Creator you have a loving power with you guiding your way to make right choices.
This will assist you in stepping into your right place with more confidence to call up your innate talents and strengths that you possess, to enhance your abilities. There are many roads that lead to the same place. This is a safe and easy road to help you to become more fulfilled, on target, with heart centered clarity for discernment to achieve goals.
For Appointments: Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono, Services and Products please visit: www.LindaCrane.com
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
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