When you speak from your Soul voice you are speaking from your Inspiration, instead of the automatic voice that plays from the mind. The mind is really just a play back recorder of whatever data has been stored into it from this lifetime and from all other lifetimes. It’s the data that really makes us react in ways that may not be in our best interest.
Could you put the owner of your mind on the phone please because this message is for the the owner. The owner I’m referring to is you! Let me explain:
The mind is like a computer. It gives us back what we put into it. Sometimes the computer gets a virus. The virus (the mind) plays havoc with the computer (which is you). If you don’t take care of the virus it spreads and we know what happens in the computer, the mess that occurs, until the virus is taken out. When we put information into the file cabinets of the computer it will be there until we hit the delete button. It’s important to know who is the boss of the computer. The owner decides to delete the old unwanted files that are no longer useful.
The mind (the program, data, or virus) is not the owner of the computer. You are the owner. Yet we let it run the show more times than not. We have to condition the mind to be our servant not the other way around. The mind is supposed to be your genie in a bottle. Your wish is my command, not that it runs the computer (you), with free reign. An example of this is: you have the maid come over to clean your house, and when she arrives, she starts telling you to clean the bathroom, wash the dishes, and change the sheets, and to boot you end up paying her for the visit before she leaves. It doesn’t feel good, right? Yet this is what happens to us because of these unconscious programs replaying in our minds. And yet…whose the boss, and whose in charge…?
The mind is not necessarily our friend. Ask yourself this question. Is there something that you are trying to figure out the answer to in your life right now that you just can’t seem to get the answer to? Now please ask your mind if it knows how to figure out this problem… Realize that “The mind doesn’t know the answer to your question”. If it knew you would have the answer in a flash. Trying to ask something that doesn’t know is futile. What the mind does is: it sends you all over the place out there to try and find out. Why do we keep asking something the answer when it continually doesn’t know. We are so conditioned to doing this. We’re so dependent on the mind that we can’t get it that the mind doesn’t know.
If I ask you, what your name is, your age, birth date, you know right away. That’s the data in the computer banks that you have knowledge of, and you have no problem accessing the knowledge you already have in your computer. But when you don’t know the answer to something, the mind does not show up as your friend. Instead it tries to beat yourself up, saying back to you: something like, “you should have known that, how dumb this is, I can’t”, it makes you feel bad about not having the answer. To me that’s not a real friend. The One who knows the answers to all our problems and questions…we resist. This knowing is our Inspiration, our Source within, Our Beingness. This Beingness is beyond creativity. It’s really the best friend we have.
This is how the mind can work well for you and be your genie in the bottle. The mind is creative!! Give it something positive to work on. Continually feed it positive thoughts about what goals you want to achieve. These goals are to come from a knowing in yourself that you have it now, not that you need it, or lack it now in your life. Place all the phrases in a positive way. Use the words: I Allow, I AM, I Can, in your sentences. Refrain from “No and Not” in your sentences.
Here’s some Free-Bees from Inspiration to You…
I Allow My Life to be Abundant in All Ways with Ease.
I Allow Peace and Harmony in All My Relationships with Ease. (this takes into account Work & Personal Life, because these are relationships)
I Allow Myself to Have Good Communication with My Spouse and Children with Ease.
I Allow Myself to Have Perfect Health.
Now, by any chance, Is anybody’s mind telling them (Yeah Sure!!) about these positive statements. Then here is something you can tell your mind when it wants to override you:
It only takes a little practice to start becoming conscious of what the mind is doing. You’ll be surprised how many times the mind will slip in those negative thoughts. At those moments: say to the mind: “I Am the Boss, and I give you permission to leave”. This works for me every time. The mind requires quiet time as much as possible so Inspiration can come in with your answers.
Remember the mind’s function is to be Creative! When you keep repeating positive statements to the mind you are retraining it and giving it something Creative to create for you in your life. The law of the Universe, Law of Attraction works every time: Negative gets more negative, and Positive gets more positive.
I deem the word ALLOW to be the most important word in the 21st Century. I have said this for over a decade. In allowing you give your self the power, you decide, and you are in charge!
You have the power to decide! What is your choice Boss? Garbage In, or Garbage Out..delete?
I Allow Inspiration, Love, Blessings, Health, and Financial Abundance to Flow in My Life with Ease.
Photo by patriziasoliani
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