Decide to follow your heart even when people tell you your nuts. Say thank you to them. The Universe/God is there to back you up but you have to move first. Guarantee to you when you move the Universe or whatever you want to call it moves with you. It’s only waiting for you to take that first step. and it’s that vote of trust in yourself…in your heart.
When you reach the Universe will reach with you even higher larger.
You wouldn’t believe what happens when you trust. Because you were able to move first, you were able to reach first then the Universe reaches in ways you know not of to assist you.
The Universe says: When you move I move…when you reach I reach, and when you go the extra mile I clear the way, but not a moment sooner. Which is why when you commit to doing something things can look so scary.
When you feel the fear lets not forget to laugh. HaHaHa. Ha in Hawaiian is the perfect breath. It means the breath of the Divine is in your presence. It means you are breathing and that you are moving. This breath keeps you unstuck, (sometime for some of us just breathing is taking action, because you have to take action.
This is not about making yourself wrong.
It’s about waking you up so the next time you feel the fear…and you want money in the bank account…then you move.
So the first time the Universe shows you an opportunity instead of the judging and the opinions and looking at what you don’t want, because we spend too much time on what we don’t want; so when opportunities come our way, we have to clear what we don’t want or else we can’t see the opportunities coming for us. We find all these excuses and we are so sure that we know what’s right and best for us.
So when the fear comes and those judgements and opinions come to you; this is there just so you can be cautious. And knowing that, that is not you. Those are your programs talking. You are much more powerful then that. You are above your memories. You are above your programs.
You are a creator. So what are you creating in your life? What are you attracting in your life. Because it’s all bout you. And what you do when opportunity knocks at your door. Are you going to see all the negative or are you going to say Yes I am going for it. Even if it doesn’t make sense this is the time to be creative.
People become millionaires over an idea. We all have some of those inside of us, but we don’t let them out because we go into the judgment. You might say: It’s not logically people won’t believe me. It’s time to trust in yourself! You have to wake up. You have to believe what is inside no matter what other people tell you it’s just your memories that people are telling you, inside you, facing you, in what you see outside through others.
People have to be more humble. Thinking that this or that is right for you. Who knows what is right for you? The part of you that knows better is waiting for you to give it permission. Because you put in your mind you know what is right for you, that you know what you are looking for, the ways, the things you see it should be done.
But you are closing yourself, because other things are right in your face and you are not seeing it…because you say you know how it should go. It’s important to identify these things in your life. If you are conscious, if you can be the observer, if you can bring yourself to the present, then things are going to change.
How many times do we fight with ourselves to receive? We most of the time don’t allow ourselves to be present and enjoy the moment so we can see what the moment is trying to tell us or give to us. We are too noisy with our thoughts.
How many times are you conscious that your thoughts are taking you to the past or to the future and that you were not present in the moment? Yes, it can be hard to consciously try to allow yourself to be consciously present.
We need to be willing to be humble, and be of service, and if we go back to being humble and be in touch with our creativity who we really are; we will be able to come out of this crisis and the lack of money. Because the opportunities are right there, but you are not seeing it.
If you were laid off from the job it’s because it was not the right job. It has nothing to do with the money crisis. It is you that is waking up to see the reality. This is coming because we have to stop looking at the things we think we need in order to be happy.
Can you be happy right now in this moment regardless if you have your job right now? It doesn’t depend if you have the job or not. It doesn’t depend on how much money we have or not. Or the house that we live in or don’t have right now, because maybe we lost it.
It has nothing to so with that; because you can be happy or miserable if you had everything. It has to do with looking inside of yourself and then when you find yourself, take a really good look at yourself…who you are, and what are your talents, and what is your uniqueness, and then you will find the money. Then money will actually magnetize to you.
Money is like your friend. It wants to be with happy people. You have to take good care of your friend. Money is meant to be our friend not our enemy.
Some messages we got when we were growing up, and some we don’t even know we received. But they are operating in us.
But that’s the beauty with Ho’oponopono that you don’t need to know. The memories, the tapes replaying in our minds, your ancestors tapes, are running anyway until you clear them. Maybe you don’t want to make money because then I won’t have to pay taxes??
These are the kinds of things we do to ourselves, yet we say we want money. In some cultures and countries people believe if you have money you must be doing something evil.
If you can become your own observer you can catch yourself going to the past or future, you can bring yourself back. You can bring yourself to the present where you will have what you need to move forward.
Many times we have to go through and pass the fear because the Universe is watching us all the time. So trust is necessary to see the fear and do it anyway so the money will come in.
So be willing to go for it even if its scary. You can say yes to opportunities and then if its not taking you where you want to go you will have time to say NO. We are to try and see the possibilities that are behind that offer. The doors that might open that you never even thought about that could open.
Of course don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right in your heart, because your heart doesn’t lie. Go for it even if others think you are crazy. The mind will lie to you, but not your heart. You will have amazing things to tell people after that.
So breath HaHaHaHaHa. Laugh about it. Look at yourself and not at judging what other people are doing. And stop blaming and thinking there is something out there doing it to you.
Amazing doors are opened to you if you Trust Today…and are willing to trust tomorrow… and the next day…and next day after that onward.
To assist you in clearing the old programs and tapes of the past that you may have received from ancestors that seem to be holding you back yet you just don’t know how or why….please contact me for Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono clearing session….The Ancient healing technique for peace and happiness and prosperity.
Please contact me for Allowing Money to Come into Your Life at: for appointments and products
Love & Blessings,
Linda Crane
Hi I am interested in hooponopono sessions
Hi Shamara:
Thank you for your interest in my blog and for Ho’oponopono clearing and healing sessions with me. The process is to sign up for the session on my website to schedule your appointment. There you will see Ho’oponopono session under the services I provide. Once you select that and purchase your session I will contact you with times and dates. Any other questions email me at Looking forward to hearing from you. Blessings, Linda Crane