I am devoting time to natural approaches to health and choose to focus on Aromatherapy Essential Oils because they are so essential to health and I use them daily in my own life. Naturally is the way I like to do things; because our inherent nature is natural; and if I can get the relief and healing from using the Therapeutic Essential Oils this is my choice and preference on our over chemical filled planet. It’s a great place to start.
Drugs are beneficial I agree, but to a point, and when they are necessary then they are a benefit, but when they are just used repeatedly with no relief then that very drug that can be a help, is no longer a help, it becomes a toxin. Since our health is our most precious bodily asset we must look to the best way to approach every health situation.
Aromatherapy, “Essential Oils have a unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues. The unique lipid soluble structure of essential oils is very similar to the make up of our cell membranes. The molecules of essential oils are also relatively small, which enhances their ability to penetrate into the cells. When topically applied to the feet or elsewhere, essential oils can travel throughout the body in a matter of minutes.” Essential Desk Reference pg 1.18 Chapter 2 (5th edition)
Peppermint Therapeutic Essential Oil from Young Living, is a good example. It is a great help if you have headaches or fever. For headaches use just a couple drops around your hairline and jaw line (make sure you do not touch your hands to your eyes. Keep away from eye area). It can assist you in keeping alert. All you need is 2 drops and many times just 1 drop will do. You can put it on the back of your neck to cool off on a warm hot day, and the bottoms of your feet. Use 1 drop in a cup of hot water for making tea, or cold water for a ice cold summer refresher. It’s also great for digestion. Use just a drop to rub on your tummy or drink with a drop in water. One drop is all you need as a great breath freshener.
Tip: If you have to remove any oils at any time use some type of oil to remove it. Water won’t work well in this regard.
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When you are open to new things…that’s when you find them.
Linda Crane
great article from an expert like you and i would like to hear more from you.Its necessary that people know about the great qualities that essential oils posses.
Thanks for sharing and your interest on my site. Therapeutic high quality essential oils can greatly assist us in our daily lives. They are pleasant to use and natural. We are natural beings and we are benefited by using natural products that correlate with our natural innate selves. Blessings, Linda Crane