You can recreate yourself to the best vision you have personally for your life. You can get passed your mistakes! We all have made mistakes. Welcome to having a human experience! Recreating is part of evolving. Discontent has a purpose. It spurs you on to experience another way that can work to your betterment. Why wait? You can start today. What attitudes or ways of acting would you like to change about yourself?
“Nobody, is who they are based upon one decision, one day, one path, one chance, one relationship, or one anything else.”The Universe TUT
The Divine residing in each one of us makes way for a lot of potential within us for each one of us to work with. No one is excluded no matter what has happened. You just have to Do It.
Just be aware of the things you don’t like about yourself and be gentle about it yet firm in allowing yourself to work in new ways to change the situation or problem. Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. To recreate yourself is acting and being in ways that support your new ideas of yourself that you want to change. Then implement at least one change towards that goal, and keep moving forward from there.
Our creations produce results for positive life enhancement or more of the same.
What would YOU like to enrich about yourself today? This moment of now can be your turning point. What matters is that you start the ball rolling. The rest comes bit by bit as you keep up recreating yourself and move along. Be determined and kind to yourself as you are moving on this new path. Satisfaction and feeling good comes from recreating your personal self in a positive direction.
This can be your day… your week… your month…your year.
Love all.
Linda Crane