On this Thanksgiving Day it is my pleasure to send blessings to all my family and friends. And to all my wonderful clients who have been devoted to bettering their lives through love and giving of their unique gifts and talents. Reaping Blessings is assured when you de-stress by continuing to be positive and loving. that’s when the dreams of your heart can take root and manifest. Blessings!!
Reiki For Stress Reduction
Reiki For Stress Reduction
Traumatic stress is much more common than recognized or acknowledged. Here is where Reiki for stress reduction can come into play to reduce the burden and relax the tension these problems affect. There is a growing public health and economic burden of chronic disease resulting from the adverse effects of traumatic stress. A major study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, revealed a compelling relationship between our traumatic experiences as children and our physical and mental health as adults. These experiences are significant risk factors and leading causes of chronic disease in the United States. Many western medical practices used in the United States merely manage chronic disease. Energy healing techniques such as Reiki seeks to heal the dis-ease at its root cause that was attributed by traumatic stress.
One can feel the effects in the body and/or mind experienced from sessions during an energy healing. Clients remain fully clothed, close their eyes, and can lie down or can be seated during sessions. The practitioner does not have to touch the client during sessions. We all have the life force running through us, and like all of us in life we have low energy times, when we can use more energy, a tune up so to speak, or a boost to our energy system. Reiki can assist you to stay focused and balanced, and can assist you to accomplish your desired goals. It has many applications with non-invasion and practical use. Reiki for stress reduction can be your aid to a happier more productive way to enjoy and enhance your life.
All my family has benefited from Reiki sessions. We love It!!!
If you would like to learn this helpful technique, or would like to experience sessions, please visit me at: Linda Crane at www.LindaCrane.com (OR) email: Linda@LindaCrane.com
Wishing You Many Reiki Blessings,
Linda Crane
Disappointment and Frustration
Our external life is highly complex, and an important part of our external life, is a reflection of our inner programming and ancestral family patterns. So I ask you,”who’s running the show of your life?” Depression, disillusionment, disappointment and frustration? I’m not referring to your parents, partner, children or teachers. I’m talking about YOU.
Your best course of action with these issues is to release your deep-seated inner programs that are causing havoc and stopping your progress big time. Most of us have this because we all have generational family patterns. Healing starts from the inside out! It always has been that way. We are just beginning to recognize that fact. From my point of view healing is an inside job, and what manifests is brought up and out to the surface from within us.
When we experience lack of love, or money in our life it is a reflection back to us of some program we caught deep deep inside ourselves that’s running the show. We act like we’re on autopilot until we delete the programs…not just from our computer banks, but we must also hit the delete button for the trash as well…to finally free ourselves from repeating the draining, non-productive parts of our lives. This cycle when not deleted proves to be a detriment with being in alignment with making our life a success. There are some health related issues that are a source of these problems as well. Happiness is hard to achieve and thwarted when we live from these unconscious overpowering behaviors and actions.
We therefore have a choice before us…We can attempt to change our life by changing our outer circumstances and situations. OR…we can go to the causal source of that bottom line program(s), and release the program that keeps presenting to you the picture of your outer experience that you really want to remove or change.
What’s better?
Trying to manage and control our external circumstances and situations is what most people do.
But as you probably know already – it takes a lot of effort, stress and energy to make changes in the “external” world. And even if we do manage to make some changes – we often find the ‘real’ underlying problem is still there (only the life scenery has changed; not the vehicle we’re traveling in).
There’s an easier more permanent way to make changes in the “external” world. The way is to go to the point where it was created in the first place, the causal point, and release the programs within that are manifesting the experiences which we want to change.
Releasing the programs is like taking a movie film out the projector on the screen of life, and replacing that old worn out movie with a different new and life-enhancing movie. As you replace the old programs being projected on your movie screen; you will experience a different life played out on the screen of our life.
The fastest and easiest way to release all the suppressed (hidden) programs you hold in your mind body and etheric energy field is through: a consistent releasing process and energy healing work from ancestral history patterns.
I offer you a different way to quickly and effectively release (clear away) the subconscious programs preventing you from living the life you really want to be living. Many of these hidden programs have been with you for many family generations passed. These programs have been stored in your DNA as programs repeating in your subconscious mind. We are now ready in our evolutionary history to remove and allow these ties to heal consciously. We have woken up to the fact that we don’t have to hold these burdens any longer. This work can also clear these problems from your family lineage as well.
You can release these patterns by clearing the ancestral family lines. Through specific prayer work, emotional energy healing, and Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono you can open the door to a new present and future for yourself and your family.
For information, personal consultations, and speaking engagements please contact me at: www.LindaCrane.com.
Opening the flood gates to a happier life,
Linda Crane
Heart VS. The Mind
In all battles in situations regarding the heart vs. the mind, go with your heart! The heart doesn’t lower itself to the contradictory, noisy, chatty thoughts of the mind. The heart just waits silently, quietly prompting us to take the high road in making life decisions. Many times our mind is so loudly complaining that we don’t even know that our heart is voicing to us as well.
It’s much easier for your mind to catch up with your heart, than for your heart to catch up with your mind. It’s our mind that wants to get even. It’s our mind that gets hurt. It’s our mind that sends us out in many directions to try to get the right answer. When in reality its the heart within us that does have the answers. But our minds don’t always like or want the answers the heart is giving us. So we dance… until one day we are ready to really allow ourselves to face what is going on. Waking up to what’s personally going on that’s called responsibility, and that’s when we take charge of our lives again.
I hope you are doing great. I’m working on many projects. I feel it’s time for changes and renovations. I feel that in all battles of the heart, the mind seems to speak out to us the loudest. Yet when one goes with what the heart is feeling/expressing, verses what the mind is controlling one to do…making our final decision from that heart base of the matter, is a much better course of action in the long run.
Change is inevitable in this life. It’s a constant here on the Earth plane. It’s easier to go with the flow of life. It’s the ego which sends us swimming upstream, which can make us very tired.
We get opportunities every day to clear the problems and toxic emotions in our life’s of course. Doesn’t it feel these days like many things are coming out to the surface at the same time?
From this point of view it seems imperative we awaken and stay more conscious and present. We need to remember that our subconscious mind memory keeps re-playing these patterns and stories. We have the power to transform our lives and set ourselves free from these grooves we keep repeating; if we take 100% responsibility for what is happening in our lives. In doing so we return power to ourselves to take charge of our lives in positive supportive directions.
We have free will, so we can also choose to keep suffering, complaining, blaming, seeing ourselves as a victim, etc. If that behavior makes sense to you, keep on doing it. Worst case scenario, you will have to repeat the same patterns. You have to come back, undo and bring problems back to balance.
Please, remember that you chose to come to this Earth plane, and before coming here, you chose your obstacle course to work out and the “difficult people” in your life, because those things would give you the opportunity to correct unresolved errors, to grow, to learn, evolve and transcend.
You also chose the most difficult school in the Universe (Earth). You made it, you had the privilege to have been chosen, and your teachers are constantly appearing in your life (your children, your boss, your mother in law…) But, now you are complaining?
You can find enjoyment and get everything you need while you do your job (erasing subconscious problems) to get to the next level. It’s your time now to re-member!
Now I am here to remind you and show you to keep alert to these inner callings to change. It can be easier than what you have been encountering. The way to start this change is to allow your mind to quiet. Meditate, close your eyes, and be aware of your breath going in and out. In quieting the mind you can get in touch with ‘Your True Self- Pure Consciousness’. From there changes occur and blessings flow into your life.
I have always been grateful for Aloha: which means…The Breath of God Is in Your Presence!
When our Heart, Mind and Spirit are in alignment without resistance…that’s when we achieve balance.
My Meditation Cd download, “Honoring Spirit” is available to assist you in getting in that quiet content state where all good things have a better opportunity to manifest in your life. www.LindaCrane.com
Peace, Blessings,
Linda Crane
Reiki Brings Clarity Into Your Life
Reiki energy is a wonderful way to enhance your personal growth. Frequently during sessions you become relaxed and energized. You experience less stress while Reiki brings clarity into your life.
If you have had a Reiki Session or taken a Reiki Level I course then you know how powerful and profound this beautiful modality can be.
It is a toolbox of stress-reduction, comfort, and clarity, literally in your hands. And with each successive energy healing session you experience, or level of learning Reiki carries with it a further enhancement of personal growth.
To experience this wonderful energy, schedule a Session or Class!
Linda has a Level I Class scheduled on Sunday August 9, 2015. To hold your spot for this class:
Contact Linda Crane at: linda@lindacrane.com for details on Classes and Private Sessions. Linda Crane is a Reiki Master Teacher, and Karuna Master Teacher with over 25 years experience in Energy Healing Modalities.
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
Reiki Level I Certification Class
Reiki is a Stress and Pain Reduction Technique that also Promotes Healing. I have scheduled a Reiki Level I Certification Class to teach on Sunday, August 9, 2015. This is an experiential hands on class. In this class you will receive the Attunement for Reiki Level I, your certificate, and your manual is included.
This beginning training is one of the most thorough and comprehensive available. It includes a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata and the Japanese style. On completion of the class, you will be able to give Reiki treatments to yourself with Reiki I, and when you take Reiki II class sending Reiki to others. The following subjects are taught:
• The origin and history of Reiki
• The nature of Reiki energy, why people get sick and how Reiki heals.
• The Reiki Ideals
• The Human Energy System
• The complete hand placement system.
• Gassho meditation
• Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them.
• Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat.
• Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
• Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal.
• Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes.
Cost for Reiki Level I $175.00, deposit required prior to class
If you are interested in learning this technique and being a part of this dynamic introduction into self healing…please contact me: Linda Crane, Instructor: at linda@lindacrane.com for the times, location, and information that is scheduled for this energizing class. The following is some information on Reiki.
If you are looking to improve your self, your life and your goals, than learning the energy healing benefits of Reiki is a wonderful gift to yourself, your pets, your life, and the world. Reiki has endless applications.
Reiki for Stress and Pain Reduction
Experiencing Reiki is a self help empowering and relaxing way to take an active part in your daily health care. These techniques work with our inherent, life force energy to establish balance and neutralize causes of stress, and disease forming in the body system.
Reiki pronounced (ray-key) or (ley-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Reiki (ray-key) or (ley-key) is an ancient healing technique for modern times. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. Reiki is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing. It supports and complements any medical healing method a person may be using. Reiki is a method to aid the body in releasing stress and tension through deep relaxation.
Ki – Life Force Energy
As long as something is alive, it has life energy circulating through it and surrounding it; when it dies the life energy departs. If your life energy is low, or a restriction in its flow, you are more vulnerable to illness. When one’s energy is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. Life energy plays and important role in everything we do.
Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Reiki is administered by techniques used for thousands of years. Its origins are in ancient traditions that use symbols which transfer to the receiver therapeutic healing energy, peace, and balance. Reiki works with the whole person, promoting wellness on the physical, mental, emotional levels of our being. That is the Mind Body connection, of which we hear about so much today.
Reiki can never cause harm. It never depletes your energy, and is easily learned by anyone. Reiki is both powerful and gentle. Reiki is commonly used to treat emotional and mental distress as well as chronic and acute physical problems. Reiki works in harmony with all other types of treatment. In its long history of use it has aided in improving the effectiveness of all other types of therapy.
Reiki helps reduce negative side effects, such as those from chemotherapy, surgery, and invasive procedures. Reiki can shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress and helps to create optimism. Hospital patients receiving Reiki leave hospitals in an earlier span of time.
Reiki is complimentary with any health care modality. You can continue to receive regular or psychological treatment while receiving Reiki, with improved results. It is recommended that you do so under the supervision of an enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional.
During a Reiki session clients are fully clothed. A Reiki session can be done seated or reclining. The practitioner simply uses light hand placement on various positions on the client’s head and body. If the person receiving Reiki prefers not to be touched they do not have to be touched during a Reiki session, because the energy will work through and around the energy field of the client.
Linda Crane is a Board Certified Holistic Alternative Psychology Practitioner, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, Reiki Master & Karuna Master Teacher, Intuitive Energy Healer. Speaker, Coach
photo from IARP.org
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane