Inner Blocks
If you have any thought or feeling that’s uncomfortable with simply accepting a large amount of money being delivered to your doorstep — those are the subconscious programs that need to be cleared if you want more abundance in your life.
Why does it have to show up to you in any particular way?? It could show up in many different ways. Even ways you do not know of YET…once you’re open to receiving it.
Now imagine this:
Follow along cause this gives insight into your abundance and it’s worth $$millions of dollars$$ to you.
Imagine you go to your front door one morning and there’s a big suitcase with your name on the name tag.
You open up the suitcase and you find it’s full of crisp dollar bills. Well… somehow you’ve been asking for money, and you’ve been answered…’Your wish is my command’. Wow your stunned…(Bet you didn’t think you could wish that good)??
In the suitcase is more money than you’ve ever seen in one place at one time.
You look about and you can’t see anyone around that could have left it on your doorstep.
You recheck the money and it’s absolutely real.
Put yourself into that scenario.
Run the movie of it through your head.
Now notice what thoughts and feelings come up in you.
Do you have any thoughts or feelings of:
“The money can’t be for me!”
“What’s the catch?”
“This is not right!”
“I’m not the kind of person who has that kind of money!”
“The money must be illegal!”
“I better not keep the money – I might get into trouble!”
Or fill in your own statements here______________.
The point of this exercise is not to debate whether or not it would be a good idea to take a suitcase full of cash left on your doorstep.
The real point of the exercise is to ‘shine and focus a light’ on any uncomfortable thoughts or feelings you have around receiving money.
Then, once you are fully comfortable with the idea of having and receiving money — you would intuitively take the right action (which could involve reporting the suitcase).
It wouldn’t matter what you did with the money; when you are totally comfortable either way. You would be open to receiving abundance.
**You see…if the suitcase of cash was taken away again, you’d have no problem with it; **Because money would show up in your life in other ways,** and you would intuitively know that money shows up for you.
This would happen because you’d be fully cleared, comfortable, and released of negative memories replaying around having or not having money. It’s important to look at both sides of these perspectives regarding having and not having money… to be clear of any data that is causing money problems.
Give the above mental exercise a try!
You can let go, clear, and dissolve whatever thoughts or feelings come up.
Of course if you want assistance to really dig in and clear any stuck, held, or deep rooted material causing anti-abundance (the ones that are there, but you have not for whatever reason, been able to reach or get to yet, lurking or hidden within you) — then I invite you to visit: and contact me for an appointment.
Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono clearing and healing; can help you dissolve and clear old data that is stuck and replaying as problems in your life.
When You’re Clear Your Freee…to have money.
Many Blessings and $$$ rolling in,
Linda Crane
Recreate Yourself
You can recreate yourself to the best vision you have personally for your life. You can get passed your mistakes! We all have made mistakes. Welcome to having a human experience! Recreating is part of evolving. Discontent has a purpose. It spurs you on to experience another way that can work to your betterment. Why wait? You can start today. What attitudes or ways of acting would you like to change about yourself?
“Nobody, is who they are based upon one decision, one day, one path, one chance, one relationship, or one anything else.”The Universe TUT
The Divine residing in each one of us makes way for a lot of potential within us for each one of us to work with. No one is excluded no matter what has happened. You just have to Do It.
Just be aware of the things you don’t like about yourself and be gentle about it yet firm in allowing yourself to work in new ways to change the situation or problem. Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. To recreate yourself is acting and being in ways that support your new ideas of yourself that you want to change. Then implement at least one change towards that goal, and keep moving forward from there.
Our creations produce results for positive life enhancement or more of the same.
What would YOU like to enrich about yourself today? This moment of now can be your turning point. What matters is that you start the ball rolling. The rest comes bit by bit as you keep up recreating yourself and move along. Be determined and kind to yourself as you are moving on this new path. Satisfaction and feeling good comes from recreating your personal self in a positive direction.
This can be your day… your week… your month…your year.
Love all.
Linda Crane
Energy Healing
I believe in Energy Healing as a means to change many situations in one’s life.
Audrey Hepburn, 1929-1993, famous Actress and Humanitarian, said the following and I agree with her in what she believes.
“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
I say, way to go Ms. Audrey, thank you, your spirit lives on.
A relaxed person always remains centered, making decisions without being swayed by inner struggles, and carries out tasks effortlessly based on their own intuition. Energy healing can calm the mind body and emotions.
A confident person never assigns their success or failure to someone or something outside of their self. Energy healing brings about confidence in your self and brings it forward into your life experiences.
A shift in perspective will enable you to more easily clear out your inner blocks and harness the power of responsibility and mastership in your life. Energy healing harnesses your internal power. It assists you in calmness to be more clear of the way you should proceed to accomplish and achieve success.
There is great power in finally coming to the point of allowing oneself the opportunity to clear out negative situations/problems from your life. That is being a responsible person.
I’m talking about being 100% responsible for your life to start to gel in a positive momentum direction. This is energy healing. This true responsibility I’m discussing here is never associated with guilt. It is associated with being clear and releasing that which is holding you back from past actions. But when clouded and confused you can not be clear.
By being responsible to this degree you are not blaming others for past actions, and you decide to allow for a cleansing to occur that has not been possible before in your life. This action is a life changer. One of the most important words for us in the 21st Century is the word…Allow! It means that you are the boss and you decide what you will be and do for yourself. And it all starts with you. This is another real truth.
If you have not learned for whatever reasons to like yourself the time is now. There is power in this present moment of now. Energy healing can help you in this regard. Everything gets changed from the point of this now moment. From being a decider.
More than we are doers we are deciders and once the decision is made we go on from what we have decided whether that is a negative or positive decision. It works both ways. These kinds of things we may have not been taught from family, school, or society. Many didn’t know anything about it to teach us regarding healing our energy.
Nevertheless it is how things grow, operate, and become something into being, into reality. Yet reality is very changeable. The power of being responsible for yourself and what you have done changes reality. This can be done with energy healing. Allow yourself the opportunity to become more aware from your past actions and experiences; that gives you more control and ability to do things differently. That was then and this is now, and not repeat the same patterns.
Change for your life now, doesn’t happen in the moments of the past or the moments to come. It may show up in the moments to come, but the change for that to occur happens now. So decide!
It’s actually saying, okay enough is enough. You usually get to this point when you are tired of being tired of the old stuff. It has become a drag on you mentally, emotionally and physically to continue. But you might not know where to start. Energy healing will help you start.
Energy healing works in through and around you. You can’t get away from that. Energy is an intangible that operates in our life whether we believe it or not. Example: Love is an energy. It also is an intangible, because you can’t go to the store and buy something called love, you can only see its affects. How it affects you is how the energy is operating.
You can decide to clear up your energy and come back to, return to your real self again, and clear out the energetic space around you. I can hear some of you say, I don’t know who my real self is anymore! The good news is you can get yourself back on track to the real you that has been longing to emerge for so long and get introduced again. You’ll know your coming back to yourself from how the energy healing makes you feel better, stronger, mentally clearer, happier, and more content within yourself.
Its taken a long time for the energy to be built up in a not so positive way for feeling out of sorts with yourself. In giving yourself energy healing(s) to move you in a positive upward spiral direction; you are being responsible to take charge of your life again.
For more information, Energy Healing Sessions, Mental/Emotional Healing, Intuitive Readings, Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono, and Products:
Please visit me at:
Blessings, Thank You, Love You,
Linda Crane
If you are experiencing any lack in your life it’s not because of something that’s missing. It’s because the ego is in the way.
The ego (comprised of your thoughts and beliefs) is a barrier to your abundance.
Only when you dissolve this ego-barrier will the supply of abundance (including the things you want to have and experience) find its way into your reality.
You can take massive action and do everything you can to get what you want — but the ego will always sabotage your capacity to receive.
What can you do to change it?
The “secret” to getting what you want is in dissolving the ego enough to open up the channels to receive what you would really like to have or experience.
This means that any sense of lack in your life is, in reality, is from aligning with your ego incorrectly. Your supply of abundance is in direct proportion to your openness to receiving abundance. You have to be opened to abundance in order to receive it. The ego has a way of closing you down.
When you have a blockage to abundance, it’s only due to the belief that someone can give you what you lack (for example, money) or withhold it from you. This is different from having choices and deciding not to go with a particular option that is offered to you.
You can dissolve this blockage to abundance (i.e., having more money) by resting in the TRUTH of supply – and that is all supply manifests out of the consciousness of HAVING, not that I want something, which means I lack it.
And it’s the consciousness of HAVING that inspiration gives you when you clear away the old tapes (which is the data held in your subconscious that shows up, replaying as problems) in your life.
To experience healing sessions to open you to abundance please visit:
Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is a masterful technique to supply your needs to achieve your goals that will be perfect for you.
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane