Stressed? How do you get stress relief from anxiety, depression, and fears? Here’s an amazing natural solution you may not have thought of or experienced until now.
Do you dream about how you’d like your life to be…increasing your earning capacity much more than your present income? And do you end up saying something like, “Well … maybe I’ll settle for….. And I’d be happy with just..… if I could have it.” Settling is settling no matter how you look at it.
It’s okay but not really fulfilling. When you have your positive dreams charged into manifestation through the power of Energy Transmissions you are on the right road. This energy healing brings forth many blessings. As a healer and intuitive, I’ve had clients experience great results while in the comfort of their own home. Your experiences will show you results. Grace knows what you need and what is best for you. Grace/Consciousness the Divine God of your understanding knows whats best for you. All your guess work of how to make this work or show up in the life is eliminated while you are building momentum through Energy Transmissions.
When you confine your dreams, as well as your self expression, according to certain “boundaries” you limit yourself. Limits are self imposed. In that regard boundaries are only real if you make them real for you. And the mind/ego are full of limitations stored in its computer banks for you to pick from. We have all learned to do this subconsciously until we change our approach. Limits are the reflections of a set of beliefs you carry around with you – those many limitations you learned in the past and they were given to you by someone else as you were learning and maturing .
But the truth is: we can go beyond the, so called, all knowing mind and reach for our dreams. The mind doesn’t have the answers for your dreams. Consciousness does!…which is beyond the mind. The mind is the receptacle for the intuition that comes to the mind through Divine Grace/Consciousness. When the answers arrive it feels so good to go for those dramatic gains. There is a lot to be said for going past your comfort zone those limiting beliefs – those dream fences. Those dream fences – are imaginary, that means the fences can swing open.
Energy Transmissions helps thousands of people get rid of these artificial boundaries. Through these transmissions you feel more secure within your life experiences, and a diminished or non-existent feeling of fear of the future IS one of the blessings from this work. Psychosomatic disorders are dissolved when there is a momentum continued from Energy Transmissions.
I wonder if you’ve noticed this…That every area of your life where things are not going quite as well as they should, there is an underlying fear involved. The fear can be very subtle – but it’s there waiting for you to notice it.
Take money as an example. Let’s say you want more money but for whatever reason you haven’t been able to create more money in your life.
Now, just notice your feelings and beliefs around that kind of situation (or whatever situation is applicable to you just fill in the blank………..).
You’ll notice – if you look honestly into yourself – that there are certain beliefs and feelings that arise that are based on FEAR. That fear could be having to work harder, having to change jobs.
Or the fear of having to charge more money than you currently do if you’re self-employed. Maybe it’s the fear of the thought of having to “put yourself out there” to contact or get noticed by more clients.
Whatever thought, belief, story, or feeling arises – there is some kind of fear attached.
Another quick example: Let’s say you want to move to a new area – but haven’t been able to manifest that change. Why not? Look closely and notice the beliefs, thoughts, stories, and feelings that arise. And then notice how fear is attached to them in some way. Maybe there’s the fear of having to start again in some way. Perhaps there’s the fear that you’ll have to be uncomfortable for a while. Or there could be the fear of failing – so why bother.
Always there is a fear attached to the “thing” you’ve been unable to get yourself to do or have. This is so potent because the truth is: the saying ‘if you fear it you will appear it’ comes to pass. The acronym for fear is: F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real. Fears run us all the time so it must be really real…???. When you don’t know any better fear wins every time.
What will appear in your day-to-day reality and life experience will be a “reflection” of the fear you have inside. Meaning: you are creating your fears. You are creating the very thing you want to change! Which, I’m sure you’d agree, is not the smartest thing to do – once you become conscious of what you are creating. Since we all manifest our reality whether we have understood that fact or not…that’s the truth of it all as difficult as it may be for you to adjust to that statement.
The positive thing is, all fears can be dissolved and you can experience an inner-transformation into love. ‘LOVE DOES CAST OUT FEAR’. Energy Transmissions are a tremendous help in this regard. And that is great news – because once you are coming from a loving place inside, you are free to do and have the things that you’ve never been able to fully accept into your life before. That’s a good dream come true. Opening up the space for yourself to allow this opportunity; you then will experience peace and satisfaction. One of the great benefits from Energy Transmissions is that clients report the fear of the future has fallen away for them. And that’s a great feeling!!
Yes…you did read that correctly! When you are “coming from a place” of nurturing love (without fear) you will naturally feel like doing the things that will create the results you really want – and fear of the future will not be the underlying cause to your problems. Examples: whether that’s more money, better relationships, being in the flow for inspiring new ideas, or desiring to develop your authentic way in the world. To have a deeper richer life with happiness, wellness and abundance in all areas of your life (which are good things to pray for because it covers all the bases); nurture yourself with Energy Transmissions. As a teacher/healer/intuitive for decades; I can say its such an important contribution to make to your life.
We all want to do less and accomplish more. And when you are “coming from that place” of pure love (leaving out fear) there’s no sense of feeling left alone…it’s all up to me, and I gotta gotta make this happen involved.
That’s not to say you won’t do anything. But you won’t feel like you are doing, striving, forcing to make things happen. Doing the best thing will just flow through you naturally. Getting in touch with our essential nature is so important. Your natural abilities are your gifts to be in touch with and to share. Then you shine to all others in a peaceful effortless way – which brings out your real nature. That’s coming home to yourself!!! And sometimes you don’t even have to do anything specific at all. (that’s what I call doing without doing and everything gets done) from the flow of universal intelligence working on your behalf. The things you want will naturally find their way to you – just like a waterfall seeks its way to the ground.
No striving, trying, forcing, or hard effort, is involved. The only thing required from you is to transmute all fear into love. The rest will take care of itself. This is achieved through Energy Transmissions. This amazing dynamic power flows from the Grace of God.
We all have to start somewhere to achieve self love. Why because evolution is the only game in town. Evolve now or evolve latter, but you are still going to come to this point to evolve for growth. After growth comes the cycle to flourish. And everything you’ve wanted (but previously never been able to get) starts to fall into place for you in the most perfect ways possible. In this regard you have the Divine energy working in your direction and you are in the flow of this Abundance. many people have experienced an inner self peace. Peace and happiness is what we ultimately are wanting to experience. Allowing and accepting this as your best approach for your life is the key.
Transforming those fear based attitudes and ways of doing things into no stress, and letting go of resistance, does require consistency to acquire the momentum to keep this energy positive. Momentum is very important. It keeps the battery charged and harnesses more energy for you in reserve, so you are able to have many productive leaps forward without sliding backward from a lack of energy momentum.
Energy Transmissions builds up momentum and are very useful in all areas of the life. To start your journey forward and increase momentum in: health, abundance, career, work, play, relationships, intuitive abilities, and a deeper conscious awakening with your Divine Source, the God of your understanding; please visit: for sessions and products to enhance your good. Dreams come true everyday. You have the key to experience a miraculous life!
Blessed dreams,
Linda Crane