Ready for December 2013 Full Moon Reading in Gemini? The Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini. and to boot Uranus, which has been in Retrograde motion… is now going Direct. Here’s the shot of adrenaline you’ve been waiting for to move forward. It will be a heck of a ride in 2014… but in getting ready for the New Year; here is the end of 2013 Full Moon Astrology forecast:
The Moon appeared gorgeous last night against the starlit clear sky. You can expect a dynamic Full Moon on December (17) seventeenth at 1:28 PST. This Full Moon will take place in verbal Gemini and Gemini’s are always full of ideas. It will oppose the Sun placement in Sagittarius, and it will be close to ushering in Winter on the Solstice, on Saturday PST into the sign of Capricorn.
Talking about the long avoided truth will be evident as communication take places with verbal chatty Gemini, meeting up with truth talking Sagittarius, as it encounters freedom loving and fighting Uranus, which is about to go into direct forward motion. Uranus has been retrograde but now, expect the unexpected to arise. Uranus rapidly brings about change and many times it suddenly enters one’s life bringing about the unpredictable. Things come about with a fresh new approach not directly foreseen. Uranus shakes matters up, giving new perspective, or bringing about that opportunity you’ve been waiting for, in a lively manner.
Expect to be processing long buried, unacceptable or denied truths, at an increased rate. The Full Moon is illuminating your inner oppositions-those two sides of yourself are able to see each other now. Part of you wants that new business venture, career or job, and the other part is content and happy at home just hanging around. Between (2) two choices, Gemini loves to have both. Gemini is a dual sign and likes it both ways. Integration of the (2) two into the whole would be ideal.
But the tension between the two sides of yourself is up for resolution. Making some long awaited decisions is necessary now! That deep down truth hidden under the surface; while Uranus has been retrograde is now surfacing. Or that long awaited push you needed to get you going is now upon you ready to assist you outwardly. And as Sagittarius would say the Truth will set you free!! This Sagittarius Sun gives you the willpower to bring it out of the closet, so to speak. You are in the process of returning your energy to get things accomplished. We can’t always have it both ways (like Gemini’s would have it, as they can always see (2) two sides or both sides to a situation, so compromise is tricky and will be held to the light of truth to make a stand and move forward.
The rebel Uranus will push you if you don’t take charge and make it happen for yourself. Then you might not like the hand you may be dealt. It’s always better to be a conscious mover and shaker on your own behalf, without unexpected surprises forcing you to handle what arises.
Full Moons have a way of bringing out the shadow sides of life. A lot more gets acted out by the pull of the tides on our brains and nervous systems. You get a little glimpse of your shadow dark side with the Full Moons. In the truth of the light of Sagittarius …own it. Accept that you too can be naughty or bad. Be bad for the good of it all emerging from within you.
Accepting responsibility, as the Sun enters Capricorn at the up coming Winter Solstice, for the not so nice parts of your personality; will arise to assist you to heal and work with the shadow side of yourself; to clear dilemmas that have been hanging around you, and transform it. As you help yourself you help the planet. We also can not deny that we are all part of this planet Mother Earth. Integrate the truth as the Sagittarius Sun will help you to do. Honor all the unloved parts of yourself.
Loving yourself, in total, is all you need to do. It’s not easy, but well worth it. There really are many ways to accept yourself so much more. Take inventory on yourself. Take a deep breath and a probing deep look at yourself. You can’t stop change. You can only move with change, or decide not to work with it. If you decide not to work with changes upon you… well; this will keep you stuck, and then be aware that Uranus may suddenly step in, to stir the pot in a way you may not appreciate.
New beginnings are within reach with Uranus motion going forward again. Now instead of tip toeing…all the action you have been passively waiting on can be manifested more easily into your reality. The Green Light you may have been waiting for is now On. Go for it!!
As with the Gemini Full Moon ‘Communication’ is it’s keynote. With the Sun in Sagittarius stand with your truth. We have to own all parts of ourselves to heal a problem. Own your feelings to be able to move to the next level on your life path. It might be a hike or a stretch but you have come this far, and you can with more effort get to create where you want to be much faster now.
Uranus always lends a hand in moving you forward to break out of limiting ruts. Caution with Uranus is that you might find yourself acting impulsively. Use this energy to make fundamental changes in routine and structure. Have a good mix between structure and routine and allowing new elements into your endeavors. Go with the flow and be careful you don’t bite off more than you can chew, and that your spending is level headed as well. Make intelligent decisions regarding overspending. Uranus can tend to go overboard so stay on board in a positive direction and enjoy the ride. Sagittarius sun loves to travel. So ‘travel with your heart and truth on any matter’ and arrive at your destination using your knowledge and give in to inspiration.
This winter season may bring about a paradox. On Saturday the Sun enters Capricorn and we enter the Winter Season here in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter is a bearish time and we like to hibernate more, which refers to going within ourselves and being more introspective. We desire to be more cozy and alone. Yet we will have to make the most of this Season of whirlwind changes. The Holidays bring that upon us. The big changes that will occur with these planetary configurations upon us ‘will be swift, liberating changes in perspective’. When we change our perspectives we do change many things. More doors are open to us that where available before our view of things were allowed to change. When you go with the flow the Planet helps to support you as well in your new dynamic ways of acting and becoming.
And of course,’ As above so below’: The Summer Solstice that is beginning for our neighbors down under, will bring about liberating changes in perspective as well. There is change upon every season under Heaven.
If you would like to Receive a Personalized Phone Reading by Linda Crane: Astrology, Tarot, or Intuitive Psychic Yearly Reading, for Yourself, or Gift giving for a loved one, or friend, Go to:, under Schedule and Appointment.
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane