On this Thanksgiving Day it is my pleasure to send blessings to all my family and friends. And to all my wonderful clients who have been devoted to bettering their lives through love and giving of their unique gifts and talents. Reaping Blessings is assured when you de-stress by continuing to be positive and loving. that’s when the dreams of your heart can take root and manifest. Blessings!!
Holding Yourself Back
Maybe you have some goals that have never been realized that you are longing to be experienced? Or maybe your inner core strength needs a boost? Whatever it may be…there are goals that want to come alive, be expressed, and for the joy of it all…wants to see what possible effects these goals can create in your life. They could lead you to so many happy choices that are not in your life right now from your present vantage point.
What does holding yourself back look like??
Fearful, Uncertain, Uptight, Fake, and Boring.
What does being unleashed look like??
Confident, Irresistible, Exciting, Powerful and attractive.
Your new mantra can be if you choose to take on this mission…I am good enough, I am smart enough, and people like me, and I’m becoming the courageous leader I was meant to be…more and more each day.
My advanced proven system of energy healing to create new fulfilling pathways for living and enhancing your goals is: simple, creative, and dynamic. In a place of safety and comfort we will work together with what you most want to shift, and re-create.
- Your story becomes who you think you are.
- Over time your patterns become your story.
- Over time your story becomes your destiny.
You have the ability to ‘decide’ you would like a change and create a more fulfilling life.
To experience these blessings in your life visit me at: www.lindacrane.com. Email: Linda@LindaCrane.com. Set up your special appointment today!
Experience your purpose and your Soul’s design.
Blessings, Linda Crane
Disappointment and Frustration
Our external life is highly complex, and an important part of our external life, is a reflection of our inner programming and ancestral family patterns. So I ask you,”who’s running the show of your life?” Depression, disillusionment, disappointment and frustration? I’m not referring to your parents, partner, children or teachers. I’m talking about YOU.
Your best course of action with these issues is to release your deep-seated inner programs that are causing havoc and stopping your progress big time. Most of us have this because we all have generational family patterns. Healing starts from the inside out! It always has been that way. We are just beginning to recognize that fact. From my point of view healing is an inside job, and what manifests is brought up and out to the surface from within us.
When we experience lack of love, or money in our life it is a reflection back to us of some program we caught deep deep inside ourselves that’s running the show. We act like we’re on autopilot until we delete the programs…not just from our computer banks, but we must also hit the delete button for the trash as well…to finally free ourselves from repeating the draining, non-productive parts of our lives. This cycle when not deleted proves to be a detriment with being in alignment with making our life a success. There are some health related issues that are a source of these problems as well. Happiness is hard to achieve and thwarted when we live from these unconscious overpowering behaviors and actions.
We therefore have a choice before us…We can attempt to change our life by changing our outer circumstances and situations. OR…we can go to the causal source of that bottom line program(s), and release the program that keeps presenting to you the picture of your outer experience that you really want to remove or change.
What’s better?
Trying to manage and control our external circumstances and situations is what most people do.
But as you probably know already – it takes a lot of effort, stress and energy to make changes in the “external” world. And even if we do manage to make some changes – we often find the ‘real’ underlying problem is still there (only the life scenery has changed; not the vehicle we’re traveling in).
There’s an easier more permanent way to make changes in the “external” world. The way is to go to the point where it was created in the first place, the causal point, and release the programs within that are manifesting the experiences which we want to change.
Releasing the programs is like taking a movie film out the projector on the screen of life, and replacing that old worn out movie with a different new and life-enhancing movie. As you replace the old programs being projected on your movie screen; you will experience a different life played out on the screen of our life.
The fastest and easiest way to release all the suppressed (hidden) programs you hold in your mind body and etheric energy field is through: a consistent releasing process and energy healing work from ancestral history patterns.
I offer you a different way to quickly and effectively release (clear away) the subconscious programs preventing you from living the life you really want to be living. Many of these hidden programs have been with you for many family generations passed. These programs have been stored in your DNA as programs repeating in your subconscious mind. We are now ready in our evolutionary history to remove and allow these ties to heal consciously. We have woken up to the fact that we don’t have to hold these burdens any longer. This work can also clear these problems from your family lineage as well.
You can release these patterns by clearing the ancestral family lines. Through specific prayer work, emotional energy healing, and Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono you can open the door to a new present and future for yourself and your family.
For information, personal consultations, and speaking engagements please contact me at: www.LindaCrane.com.
Opening the flood gates to a happier life,
Linda Crane
Reiki Level I Certification Class
Reiki is a Stress and Pain Reduction Technique that also Promotes Healing. I have scheduled a Reiki Level I Certification Class to teach on Sunday, August 9, 2015. This is an experiential hands on class. In this class you will receive the Attunement for Reiki Level I, your certificate, and your manual is included.
This beginning training is one of the most thorough and comprehensive available. It includes a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata and the Japanese style. On completion of the class, you will be able to give Reiki treatments to yourself with Reiki I, and when you take Reiki II class sending Reiki to others. The following subjects are taught:
• The origin and history of Reiki
• The nature of Reiki energy, why people get sick and how Reiki heals.
• The Reiki Ideals
• The Human Energy System
• The complete hand placement system.
• Gassho meditation
• Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them.
• Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat.
• Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
• Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal.
• Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes.
Cost for Reiki Level I $175.00, deposit required prior to class
If you are interested in learning this technique and being a part of this dynamic introduction into self healing…please contact me: Linda Crane, Instructor: at linda@lindacrane.com for the times, location, and information that is scheduled for this energizing class. The following is some information on Reiki.
If you are looking to improve your self, your life and your goals, than learning the energy healing benefits of Reiki is a wonderful gift to yourself, your pets, your life, and the world. Reiki has endless applications.
Reiki for Stress and Pain Reduction
Experiencing Reiki is a self help empowering and relaxing way to take an active part in your daily health care. These techniques work with our inherent, life force energy to establish balance and neutralize causes of stress, and disease forming in the body system.
Reiki pronounced (ray-key) or (ley-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Reiki (ray-key) or (ley-key) is an ancient healing technique for modern times. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. Reiki is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing. It supports and complements any medical healing method a person may be using. Reiki is a method to aid the body in releasing stress and tension through deep relaxation.
Ki – Life Force Energy
As long as something is alive, it has life energy circulating through it and surrounding it; when it dies the life energy departs. If your life energy is low, or a restriction in its flow, you are more vulnerable to illness. When one’s energy is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. Life energy plays and important role in everything we do.
Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. Reiki is administered by techniques used for thousands of years. Its origins are in ancient traditions that use symbols which transfer to the receiver therapeutic healing energy, peace, and balance. Reiki works with the whole person, promoting wellness on the physical, mental, emotional levels of our being. That is the Mind Body connection, of which we hear about so much today.
Reiki can never cause harm. It never depletes your energy, and is easily learned by anyone. Reiki is both powerful and gentle. Reiki is commonly used to treat emotional and mental distress as well as chronic and acute physical problems. Reiki works in harmony with all other types of treatment. In its long history of use it has aided in improving the effectiveness of all other types of therapy.
Reiki helps reduce negative side effects, such as those from chemotherapy, surgery, and invasive procedures. Reiki can shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress and helps to create optimism. Hospital patients receiving Reiki leave hospitals in an earlier span of time.
Reiki is complimentary with any health care modality. You can continue to receive regular or psychological treatment while receiving Reiki, with improved results. It is recommended that you do so under the supervision of an enlightened medical doctor or other health care professional.
During a Reiki session clients are fully clothed. A Reiki session can be done seated or reclining. The practitioner simply uses light hand placement on various positions on the client’s head and body. If the person receiving Reiki prefers not to be touched they do not have to be touched during a Reiki session, because the energy will work through and around the energy field of the client.
Linda Crane is a Board Certified Holistic Alternative Psychology Practitioner, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, Reiki Master & Karuna Master Teacher, Intuitive Energy Healer. Speaker, Coach
photo from IARP.org
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
Gratitude Can Have Deep Positive Affects On Health
Since we are what we eat and what we think…here are some ways to enrich your life and health in this New Year. It’s all about your energy and how you use it, because everything is made up of vibrations of energy. Although energy is unseen (meaning its not a thing you can go to the store and buy, nor is the energy of Love for that matter); yet it is certainly palpable and you can feel its affects. It’s about time and wise for each of us to get in touch with what energies we are taking in…and giving out…especially now in the 21 Century.
Five Contemplations Before Eating:
- 1) This food is a gift of the earth, the sky, numerous living beings, and much hard and loving work.
- 2) May we eat with mindfulness and gratitude so as to be worthy to receive this food.
- 3) May we recognize and transform unskillful states of mind, especially our greed and learn to eat with moderation.
- 4) May we keep our compassion alive by
eating in such a way that reduces the suffering of living beings, stops contributing to climate change, and heals and preserves our precious planet. - 5) We accept this food so that we may nurture our brotherhood and sisterhood, build our community, and nourish our ideal of serving all living beings.– Recited before meals in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing, a Buddhist community that spans the globe
Eat in Gratitude and Thanksgiving:
Since researchers have concluded that expressing gratitude can have deep and positive effects on your health, we suggest that you may want to find ways to bring thankfulness into your preparation and eating of food. When you sit down to eat, whether by yourself or with others, you can take a moment to reflect on the gifts of food in front of you, the effort that went into bringing it to your table, and the blessings that abound with eating healthy meals.
The saying of grace is, at least in its original intent:
A way of connecting to our sense of gratitude and kinship with life. It is a means of caring for ourselves. It is a way to slow down, to relax, to let go of the busy-ness and worries of the day, and to be open to the food we’re about to receive.
It enables us to acknowledge and bond with the others with whom we are sharing the meal. It is a way to join with them, and all the people and elements that have made our meal possible, in a spirit of appreciation. It is not so much the words we say, as the state of mind and heart we evoke, that is important. It is a way to honor the deep human need to express our common unity in the mystery of life. John Robbins
For Products and Services to Enhance Your Energy: I invite you to visit me at www.LindaCrane.com
Linda Crane
Image by aussiegall
Benefits of Energy Healing
Are you living in flux all the time? In a stressful world, anxiety and depression are at the root cause of the problems. This is where Energy Healing transmissions can come to the rescue!
Dr Norman Shealy states: “For those seeking restoration of health, there are many options” :
Just to name a few: Massage, Meditation, Prayer, Yoga, Progressive Physical Exercise, Spiritual Counseling, Vibratory music etc.
In working with over 30,000 chronically depressed patients, most stated that they could not remember ever being happy. Less commonly, a major family problem occurred in the first 5-7 years of life. Thus, it seems that something very early in life led to depression and anxiety”.
Dr Shealy goes on to state that: “The first and most critical issue in being healthy is a nurturing conception, gestation and delivery. A child may be born physically healthy but without basic homeostatic ability. (Homeostatis means that we are constantly trying to achieve internal balance in our changing environment). All added stress may weaken the system further: Physical stress, Chemical stress, Emotional stress, Electromagnetic stress. Habits that contribute to homeostasis include: “Real” Food, Sleep, Physical Activity, and a Nurturing Environment.”
I’d like to give insight as to what is going on with health disorders and how to achieve internal balance in our lives.
Here is a short review.
Energy Healing can enhance your ability to function at a higher level and allow you to serve a greater purpose with a lot less negativity.
Relieving Stress and Anxiety through Energy Healing sessions (which can be performed from a distance or done in person) are blessings in many ways. These transmissions of energy can help you to achieve a higher level of functionality in many area of your life. When stress is lowered or relieved… you can be “yourself “again.
What one should focus on is how to have stress not affect you so radically, because through stress you evolve. Focus on the meaning this stress has in your life. Life goes in cycles. When you come out from the growth cycle which has its challenges and stressful situations; then if the stress has been viewed and assessed for the meaning it imparts to your life,…then you enter a cycle where you can flourish!! What you do not want to happen is to crumble under the stress. Then you can stay at a level that will nourish you, to achieve homeostatis.
Happiness is attained through Healing Energy transmissions which helps sustain you and what often occurs…is the fear of the future over time dissolved from ones life. This fear of the future lurks behind emotional stresses. But when you experience happiness you feel supported and nurtured and you return to your true self expression. From this state you begin to live with purpose.
Finding ones purpose in life is a great feeling and from there you can contribute in the world in your unique way. Everyone have a purpose and a way of doing something that expresses itself in your unique abilities.
You start feeling this happiness; which is generated from within, by just really getting in touch with ‘Yourself’. Through the process of Energy Healing; some people report that they experience this feeling of coming home to themselves for the first time in their life. Time goes by quickly when you are in the flow and you are not depleted from working longer than usual hours. You feel calm and whatever you are going through or whatever is going on in this world; you have trust in your self and you start ‘naturally’ experiencing right action in your daily life.
Through Energy Transmissions you will have a greater quality of life. For more information regarding Healing Energy Sessions please contact me at www.LindaCrane.com
It’s a great feeling when your life happens naturally on purpose and to be more consistently in the flow with whatever life brings your way. What I love about this work, is that there is never any rituals, rules or dogmas that you are asked to perform. There is nothing you have to do just relax during your healing session. What Energy Healing(s) can do for you is open the pathway to YOUR own masterful life. And that is Freedom.
You can look forward to a much healthier lifestyle where feelings of anxiety, depression, stress, feeling unfocused, and what to do next are not an issue. From this place you can contribute your gifts and talents to share in your own unique way.
Don’t Wait! Don’t Hesitate!
For Services and Products and to set up YOUR Appointment: please contact me at: www.LindaCrane.com
Wishing You Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
Breaking the Family Curse