Internal Personal Change Is Necessary To Move And Clean Out Generational Curses. Here are some ways to discover a deeper understanding on the subject of generational curses.
Your ego takes you through all the experiences of worrying, crying, pain, and lack. The ego insures its survival by keeping you trapped through grief, fear, apathy, pride, depression, jealousy, lust and anger. The ego wants to be master and not observe itself. Allow yourself to be the boss of your life, or captain of your own ship, steer your own life and become free. Don’t increase the ego by buying into the trap of continuing the “generational curses”. Anyone in your lineage can clean the curses out and break free from feeling chained or held back from your abundance and well-being.
This starts by stepping up and saying I’m going to remove the ideas of things and situations that have been wrong. Two wrongs won’t make a right. Wrong only perpetuates more of the same. Situations do not change from the same energy that created them. Take off that heavy backpack that has been piled up on top of your shoulders. Lighten your load. It is too costly to continue this cycle on to your children and grandchildren any longer. “The self help assistance I have given here can start the releasing of these burdens”.
There are ways to stop carrying the world and all your frustrations from the past. It’s wise to stop trying to figure out all the details of the generational curse. The mind/ego loves when you do that (it eats it for dinner), because you end up strengthening the ego by doing this. The question “Why?” will not give you the answer. You end up giving the mind/ego more power to keep the negative patterns in your life just the way it has been. The mental viruses continue and get stronger as you keep thinking on it and let it fester even further. You have the ability to get clear of these generational curses.
Become less burdened by opening to the wisdom you are seeking in how to let go. The more you remove these burdens then harmony, peace, and happiness, are known in your experience to be your very nature. Harmony peace and happiness is what you truly are inside you. You do not have to search or look for someone to give you this, because you are that within yourself, only you have been hiding it. Your firelight within is ready to shine when one day you remove the layers hiding your light.
Isn’t it written in the Holy Books that you are the light of the world? You have not acknowledged it. You only recognize the erroneous. Mentally let go of this attachment. Let go of the aversions you hold to letting go of the generational curses. Your aversion/avoidance to something regarding the generation curses will keep life the way it is now.
Everything that happens starts in the mind. Stop reliving your life stories. This would do wonders to start to cleanse your cellular memories. Talk to your self internally and tell your cells you are writing a new story that is positive and abundant. You can’t lie to your cells. Your thoughts ease drop on your emotions all the time. Be honest about what you desire, and do not waiver from thinking on the most positive things even when negativity shows itself to you. Especially at that moment go to your spiritual heart, residing deep within your heart center, and think of abundant loving things there. Go there every day for several minutes, 2 times a day or more if you wish. An unhealthy self-image has to go and when it does, so will begin to go the generational cures.
You may have not known any better but your Self-image plays an important role in your own life success. You must alter your habitual patterns to alter your success; or you will have a deviation from your set goals. Your self-image will continue to perpetuate and keeps your problem in place. You are God’s highest form of creation. You have to develop the courage to decide to change the habitual patterns. You can start this by loving yourself. I am not referring to a narcissistic, I’m so wonderful attitude, look at me type of way, but you truly acknowledging some wonderful good things about yourself, and if you are handsome or beautiful acknowledge that also. I’m sure you can find something or many things about yourself personally that you do well.
A wonderful exercise that brings about great experiences and self appreciation and love to yourself, is to do “the mirror exercise” on a daily basis until you have broken through some barriers about your self. The mirror exercise is simple and very meaningful. After a months time or more of doing this everyday you will have a new self-image emerging.
Look at yourself in a mirror. A hand held mirror is fine if you wish to start this process with looking into your eyes and at your face first. Or stand in front of your home mirror and when you see your self image close up, start to say to yourself: I love you______ and state your name. Repeat I love you_____, or say I love myself, while looking into the mirror. When you pass by a mirror anywhere during your day repeat I love you_____. This is a healing experience. Let your feelings flow. Write down what you learned from the experiences you have from doing this process. Generational curses are not created from self-love. You must add more self-love into your life and heal your life of these intrusions. Appreciation and gratitude will start to emerge and returns to you, and that’s a blessing.
It’s important to realize that we also curse ourselves by our negative thinking, negative talk and attitudes. Love is the answer to heal this dilemma. Develop an unconditional nurturing Christ like love to yourself. This starts with self-acceptance. Acceptance means I accept the way things are now, and I loving accept changing them for the better in a gentle loving manner. Be responsible to the change.
Never beat yourself up. The mind does enough of beating you up with chatter of not being good enough, or yes/but, statements like, this was good, but you could have done better if you would have….. chatter. Eventually you will come to see that everything outside you is a reflection of your own thinking, and the world is the projected image of your thoughts. Begin to see how you react when you see that negative thought. There is an internal cause and effect. When you believe the negative thoughts you will experience that you will have an uneasy feeling, a disturbance that can range from mild discomfort to fear or panic.
Close your eyes and track where you felt it in your body. See how much of your body that thought form takes over. When you sense or feel where that is in your body immediately send love to the thought and to stop what has registered the uncomfortable feeling in your body. You can start to be in charge and in control of your self by saying: I now send unconditional love to this part of my body. Feel, sense, know, or imagine that you are going to send a white/golden light of love to your cells that are holding this negative thought/feeling. Continue this for a few minutes. Without your life stories you are able to act more clearly, fearlessly, and treat your self much kinder. All the changes happen within your-self with generational curses. They lodge inside you and they are to be cleaned out from the inside and released back into pure positive energy.
There is a breathing exercise that I find helpful and enjoyable. This can be done anytime of day or night and virtually anywhere, even while walking, to calm and clear your mind. I have found it to bring into one’s life peace, courage and blessings. You do not have to be in meditation to do this so it’s helpful. Here is the simple yet profound process: As you take a breathe in, say the word “I”, at your normal pace. As you breathe out, exhale as you say the word “AM”. Repeat this over and over. “I AM” is the first name of God. This is a very simple powerful, creative and dynamic exercise. Do this process often and you will have a new dynamic start in your life. You”ll notice that you start quieting down.
The point is not to stop or give up. The mind will get you to stop in subtle ways if you are not alert to what’s occurring. With all the centuries of negativity you have held within for so long from generational curses, the time is available now for you to be ready to release the past; if you acknowledge what is happening, and are willing to see the value in your process of change. Change is the way to solving the impact from generational curses. We all are experiencing change faster than ever before in our history. Use change not as a curse, but as your blessing. Welcome it and invite it in!
For a personal session with Linda Crane or for self help products Visit, for Breaking The Family Curse DVD, and Curses to Blessings CD.
Photo from ljcybergal
Peace and Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
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