I’m been asked many times how can I Break A Generational Curse and is this possible for me to do? Feeling a sense of happiness or joy is a struggle when life is experienced as so restrictive and long suffering. Yet managing to keep a sense of humor about yourself and life’s twists and turns is very important. It’s essential to be as positive as possible, because curses are of a down trodden nature. Cursed keep people restricted an unhappy. Adding a little at a time more “light hearted energy into your day, each and every day, will begin to create more of an upbeat attitude.Allow yourself to connect to a pleasant memory and something that can make you smile more and more. If you don’t feel you have experienced any happy moments…then it is essential you imagine it, and create some scenarios that you would consider happy and pleasant that will make you smile. Some too simple, yet it’s powerful. It’s necessary to have the opposite of the negative, which will have to be established for curses to be removed.
Laughter, joy, hope and positive emotions are healing. By contrast, negative emotions such as sadness, worry, and anger do just the opposite. These feelings block the healing energies of the body. Emotions have such a powerful effect on your health.
“There is a physical relationship between your emotions and nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. What you feel turns into your chemistry, biology, and the immunity of your body”.
Every hour of each day millions of cell divisions occur in your body to replace the old cells that are more sensitive to depression type peptides. If you feel sad just for one (1) hour you have produced billions of new cells that are more sensitive to depression type peptides. Those new cells are creating a body that is more apt to feel depression than at ease and happy.
Since your body is re-making itself like this, doesn’t it make sense that you would want to produce more happy peptides than sad ones? Yes, of course you do. Keep your cells in a state of emotional balance. Smile and laugh. More positive thoughts transform positive emotions into happier peptides; which then visits your cells and keeps them emotionally balanced. Your mind is always ease dropping on your emotions.
Arguing with someone or lovers quarrels are anti-healing. Fighting continually will make your body take twice as long to heal. Being calm and in control of your emotions will make your health suffer. Chronic depression can certainly interfere with self-healing.
Everyone gets angry in a reaction to a situation sometimes. That doesn’t always harm the body, but when you get angry often and make it a habit and don’t deal with the anger, that is not healthy. If you hold in the anger for weeks, months or years, thinking about the problem over and over, and feeling hostile towards another, you are harming your health. Learning techniques to change this will much improve your health.
“Chronic depression can interfere with self-healing. When feeling continually stressed out and anxious over anything, your body’s self-healing powers are not working at full capacity”.
Trust that the methods for cleaning away generational curses work and that you can do it with the proper instructions. It’s a healing process. Strength in a higher power or spiritual practice, and rituals seem to strengthen your healing forces. Meditation and prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, and love are healing to the mind body and emotions.
Spirituality is about who you really are in relation to your sense of the divine and how you find meaning in the world. This is different from the dogma, and formalized ideas on how to define an understanding of the divine. It may not seem true, but there is only unity, there is only one God with hundreds of different versions of the Divine, God, Source Energy, the Creator or Unconditional Love. These are just some different terms used to describe the God of your understanding in these modern times.
Healing has been with us throughout religious history. Distant healing sessions can improve and accelerate healings of every kind. Energy can be transmitted, and is transmitted at long distance. This is an excellent and convenient way to receive healing.
If you’re so beat up from swirling, you might not heal from problems. Instead turn these problems into a challenge not a fight. Fight is negative. Challenge is a way of meeting with a plan of action. Be responsible and deal with the moment of now, not the past, and not the future, just now! The future is now.
I like to go straight to the source, to the healer within, and be with, the doctor healer at the core of the problem and heal your problems from the inside outward. A commitment to this work always produces results, sometimes immediately, and sometimes more gradually. This is taking steps forward in the most positive directions. If you believe you can get out of the messy stuck energy that has been plaguing you, then you can. And that will be your first blessing.
You have to be consistent and stay with the clearing process of curses, because curses tend to hold you back, and to want to clutter your mind with negative thoughts like: this won’t work, I can’t do this, no one can help me, and a lot of other judgments and reasons to prevent the curse(s) from being broken. The old generational curse has a lot of hold on you, and wants to stay in control of you; if you aren’t determined like “I’ve had enough of this, I’m taking my life back, and I’m breaking this link from the past.”
You can do this and it’s easier than you might believe. I have formulated a very safe and effective 7-step by step process, in my DVD, “Breaking the Family Curse” that has helped and freed many people. This is the plan of action to clear the curses.
Many people, during private sessions with me over the course of many years, told me how curses have plagued their life. I was surprised to know how many people from all different walks of life, and monetary conditions had incurred these generational curses. I asked for Spiritual guidance on this matter, and was inspired to help those who have been plagued with these problems. When you know how to do this curse removal and it’s done thoroughly you will feel accomplishment and these steps will get you there (finally onward to your own improved life course, while clearing out the past).
Forgiveness is putting aside personal pride and giving up unpleasant memories. The mind holds habit patterns; it holds the data of the past memories. You have to release the past memories or it will continue to have power over you. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. You can let go of the old stored memories when you forgive yourself and another. It frees you, and it frees the other.
Sincere gratitude is the attitude to have. It brings blessings into your life on every level. What are you grateful for? Give thanks for what you have received and for the good you do for yourself and others. Always include yourself in the blessings. Dig until you find something every day that you are grateful for in your life, or your body/mind, or in your circumstances. Then make it a habit every day to continue your healing with gratitude. You will come out of the problems a better person, and healing will have taken place because you have grown. It becomes an enriching experience for you regarding all concerned.
Resentments constrict, and holding grudges always constricts self-healing. Leave your options wide opened with emotional, mental, and spiritual self-healing techniques that are safe and effective. Regardless of what you are facing remember that if self-healing is to be, then it is up to you to begin the journey. Be responsible to yourself, and continue to keep the ball rolling until you accomplish your goal. Start taking some of your power back into your life experiences. Support is in your line of action, it’s on the way, and if you are committed I’m here to assist you.
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from quapan
To Your Happy Life,
Linda Crane
Thanks so much for writing this article; I’m so glad I came across it and am going to apply some of these techniques.