Inspiration came to me when I got this note from the Universe. I thought it was so potent for being in the flow with oneself and life.
“Dominion over all things doesn’t come with age, spirituality, or even gratitude. In fact, it doesn’t come at all. You were born with it, and you use it every moment of every day, whenever you say, “I will… I am… I have…”
And for that matter, whenever you say, “It’s hard… I’m lost… I don’t know…”
Careful where you point that thing! The Universe, TUT (think unique thoughts)”
You heard the old slogan things go better with: (you fill in the blank……………) I feel things go better with Awareness. And it’s multiplied with your willingness to give up what’s no longer in your best interest; because they are not useful any longer. Then from being open to something new, even when you don’t know what that something new is, you are asking for Inspiration to guide you. Just be aware and open to the leads that come. And be patient!
The Universe wants you to jive and be with it in the flow. Being in the flow that makes for inspiration to come in. If you act on it, it will change your life. It will come in a hunch. It will come quietly and it won’t beat you over the head. It’s subtle. Be on the lookout by being aware of what’s happening.
You know that feeling when you are in the flow things; because things go your way smoothly and with ease. That comes from Inspiration. The answers seem to come out of nowhere without trying to make it happen.
Here’s a secret! When you silently and continuously send love to people who are giving you a hard time, OR to your problems (as silly as this might seem) just by silently saying just the words, I love you to them or the problem or situation) you end up having things come out in a positive way. Try it and be in the flow. Sounds too simple?? Well the truth is what lasts the test of time ARE those things which ARE simple, creative and dynamic. Simple, creative and dynamic all together makes for being in the flow.
The whole Universe can’t resist the power of love.
Go For It Love Machine!
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Linda Crane
Valuable information. Fortunate me I found your
website by chance, aand I am surrprised why this twist off fate didn’t
happened earlier!I bookmarked it.
Thank for your comments and interest. All the best in mind for you! Linda
Beautiful. Inspirational. To apply this to coworkers I’d have to get creative. Compliment them and don’t be so hard on myself. I needed to hear this. Thank you.
Glad you like it and YES be kind to yourself!