Finding your life purpose comes from knowing who you truly are and what you desire. Your purpose is not something to find outside of yourself it actually is held within you, waiting for you acknowledge it, and bring it forward out into your life. Happiness does come from knowing your life purpose.
You may ask: Why haven’t I been able to do the things that I know I should have been doing, and then do them? After much frustration you probably realize that God isn’t going to tell you what to do. You have to make that decision yourself. I know these kinds of situations can lead to stress.
Start by asking yourself, “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?”
I’ve learned that when you ask WHAT type of questions (example: what is the reason for this…); these questions are more helpful than WHY types of questions (example: why is this always happening to me)? And you have heard me say this many times before; that the HOW type of questions (how do I make this happen, or how do I make this work…?), is not your department. It’s not the proper way to get answers for your life. The How’s are the area of the Divine/Consciousness that inspires you to do the right thing for your life at the proper time.
At first you won’t know the answer. Keep asking yourself the question and then answers will begin to come forward. The first answers you receive act on them. Some people receive answers like: Change my attitude, raise my awareness, have more openness of character, treat everyone with respect, do everything to the best of my ability.
There are Great Lessons to be learned with words:
Self belittling words, undervaluing oneself, negative self conscious feelings, negative self talk, and deprecating humor when it’s about your mannerisms or your personality does not serve you. It might be good for a laugh but is it worth the price of manifesting your negative behavior? This falls under the category of negative self behaviors.
Now, having answers come up for you, doesn’t immediately give you the answer to your life purpose. It does help you to change and to raise your awareness. That is one step necessary in the process of finding your purpose. If we came in with all the answers up front life would be thwarted! Then there would be no reason in life to grow and get past the situations to evolve. We are on planet Earth to be happy and evolve. This is Schoolhouse Earth. You can decide that you will evolve now or later, but the process of your individual and our collective evolutionary growth will happen. Getting mad/angry/stressed about this situation is not going to help move you ahead any faster. By becoming more conscious of what you are doing, will move you forward, and then having an acceptance for yourself as you are now, and then give yourself permission to allow for changing whatever is necessary in your life. This is growth.
Whenever you raise our awareness, you discover more of who you truly are. The more you know who you truly are, the more answers you are given about your unique gifts you have to share with the world.
You’ll find the answers as you continue to ask yourself conscious questions to raise your awareness of who you are. Everyday, ask yourself, “What do I really want?” What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Follow the answers you are given as they are the threads of the truth of who you really are. Doing this you will be creating the pathway to finding yourself living your “purpose.”
Your purpose is not attempting to play games with you. It’s not trying to hide from you, and it’s not a trick or some big secret that you only get to uncover if you are really special. Each of us has special talents and gifts. There is no punishment for not finding out “fast” about your purpose. Or any blame like: I should know this by now. Like everything else we are finding the ways to open the keys to our happiness. And then it’s your willingness to allow, and accept, what your purpose is into your life. It’s a natural process.
That may mean you have to change some core beliefs about yourself and possibly change in many different areas of your life. The power does reside with each one of us.
For ways to unlock and clear problem sittuations to achieve your purpose please visit : for more information, Sessions, & products .
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
Excellent article Linda.
Hi Maria: You were kind and sent me a reply from an article I wrote on “Life Purpose”. Just wanted to check back and see how you are doing. Being kind to ourselves is a helpful course of action these days. All The Best!