The year of the Water Dragon is the symbol of the mighty majestic Chinese Dragon (Ren Chen). Its energy is ‘ Yin” in nature which is masculine and the predominant color is Black. From the void in the dark, (black) much is created. The black in this case is not to be thought of as negative. The Year of the Water Dragon starts off it’s year on January 23, 2012, at 6:00 am. and continues through February 9, 2013. Get ready for an amazing year to come.
The element of water is the most powerful element. It’s the element that can transform from Ice, to liquid, and gas. There are other years of the Dragons such as the Metal ,Wood, Fire and Earth Dragons. The Water Dragon takes the place of the most powerful. The last cycle of the Water Dragon was 1952, sixty years ago. The next cycle will be in 2072. The Water Dragon nourishes wood equating to abundance. It’s time to enjoy abundance, optimism, growth, and expansion. It’s the start of a good luck cycle for 12 years. For those who are a water Dragon sign, it’s time to be bold and not humble.
In the (60) sixty year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac the Water Dragon is the most powerful of the animals. Chinese dragons are known to have auspicious powers, and in particular control over water, rainfall, floods, and hurricanes. It’s movement is very quick and powerful, like lightning and whirlwinds, thunder and rain and is known to be unpredictable. Hence, a year of quick changes! The strong energy of water could point towards weather conditions or changes on the economic, social and political scenes. 2012 begins and election year in the U.S., Russia, China and France. Look forward to progress and courageous reforms. The Year of the Dragon can be thought of as bringing order from chaos as well as upheavals.
The color Black is dominant this year. The Dragon loves splendor and grandeur. and this years movement nourishes successful growth. Astrology is such that the Year of the Dragon starts February 4, 2012, and relates to Alpha Draconis. On June 6, 2012, Venus transits the Sun. Transits of Venus across the Sun Disc are among the rarest of planetary alignment. The next cycle of Mayan Creation starts December 21, 2012. Alpha Draconis was the North Pole Star of ancient times. The 2012 Water Dragon coincides with the “Return of Quetzalcoatl” a Meso-American supreme deity, a feathered serpent. By 2720 BC the first round in the current cycle of 13 b’ak’tuns of the Mayan long count calendar was complete. The current cycle of 13 b’ak’tuns ends December 21, 2012. We then enter the next cycle of Mayan Creation.
Quetzalcoatl was another name for Venus – related to the gods of wind, dawn, merchants, arts and crafts. Quetzalcoatl was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Every (8) eight years, Venus begins a new cycle. Venus goes retrograde (the apparent backwards motion in the sky) (5) five times within this (8) eight year period. All (5) five retrograde points create a perfect (5) five pointed star in the sky. This pentagram, (5) five pointed star, is actually the symbol of MAN.
The Water Dragon lives by ‘to the thine own self be true’ philosophy, is democratic and liberal minded,( this is not necessarily referring to their political ideals or affiliations) and will not seek revenge on those that oppose him/her. He/She can accept defeat or rejection without bitterness.
What will be around us in 2012? There is much fearful propaganda. It is good to be at a place of acceptance. For that is a powerful place to be, because change is inevitable. (I have written blog on 2012 that you may wish to consider reading). This is a time to hone ourselves, become a better version of ourselves, and become more of what we are capable of being. Part of that is to decide on letting go of the past and welcome new changes. Many things of the past weighs us down when they are no longer useful. To everything there is a season. You can choose to turn the page and move on. Decide from what perspective you will look at your present and future. Water Dragon people are calm and will know how to act wisely. He/She is quick and reliable and is capable of marketing his/her ideas with untiring devotion, yet may have to make difficult choices along the way. He/She will be able to devote his/her energies to fewer but more rewarding endeavors.
In Numerology, 2012 is a year of Freedom, Courage and Change. 2012 adds up to a (5). It’s a year of living in the fast lane. The year of quick and many changes for us all. Five (5) is a freedom and fun loving energy. Five is a year of diversity, chance, variety, choice, travel and different cultures, different belief systems, It’s about the sudden, unexpected, the unusual and a very physical year. Passions also rise in the five year. Sexual energies can be heightened in this year. Be cautious of impulsive behavior, and change just for the sake of change without any real basis to your actions. Over-indulgence in the physical aspects of life also include: food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, taking foolish chances, and extravagance. You may feel freer while in this behavior, but they are really addictions of some type.
Our outer world now starts to reflect the inner changes we made in 2011. Freedom itself is one of the most important aspects of our times. You will have to create some resourceful and innovative ways to retain and expand our freedom, whatever that may mean to you personally. New people, places and possibilities. Choose wisely. Route #5 is the conjunction highway to all roads. This is where all traffic seeks a change in course direction. This year you can become aware of the repeated frequent mistakes you make that bring you disappointment. If you are really open to meaningful change you will become more capable, stronger, relaxed and effective in changing these old habit patterns. Growth circumstances are abundant and rewarding in the (5) five year. This year will place emphasis on the health of your body, taking care of it, and respecting it with tender loving care. Take some R&R. Your personal astrological chart will show you your path, your course of action, in this unusual year. It will provide the alternatives you seek! Contact me by email or go to my contact page on my website at, to request, an astrological chart reading, astrological update or intuitive psychic reading.
All years of the Dragon have been traditionally been associated with new beginnings and good fortune. An Intuitive year is at hand. Especially since water is associated with Spirit. With so many quick fast changes we will have to rely on our intuition more than rather listen to old habits of your mind. All our answers lie intuitively inside us, when we learn how to listen. See the beauty waiting to be born inside of you. Welcome it in to assist you.
201(2) the (2) signifies yang water energy, like a deep ocean or river ever deep and flowing. We are being asked to loosen our grip on the past and move forward with optimism and courageousness, to move more freely into the unknown. Water dragons are known for their calm visionary intelligence. Balancing right and left brain activity, creativity with logic to get the best within us. With Water Dragons influential progressive spirit this will be a dynamic year, and many changes arise to build strong new foundations. Keynotes to look forward to in the Year of the Dragon: Luck, good fortune, intense power, freedom, lessening of restrictions and rules, passion, and courage to face changes. Will you embrace it?
2012 is the year we finally have the courage to open the door wide and start a new chapter. Begin anew. Look to the past with gratitude and make a decision to lovingly set yourself free from whatever is holding you back. Let go and let God! We are being awakened to our true nature as powerful beings. Will you resist or will you embrace it. Inflexibility towards change will make this year difficult and overwhelming. Let go. Trust and look to the truth inside you!
The last year of the Dragon was in 2000 (Metal Dragon year). This year saw problems with Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme ignored by financial authorities. If you keep looking deeper into matters to see if they are good for you, while curbing impulsive decisions, then 2012 will look towards anchoring capital in land and property. A good year for planning and strategic investments. Seeds planted will bear fruits in years to come.
2012 Bestows the Water Dragon’s: Chinese 5 Blessings: 1) Harmony, 2) Virtue, 3) Riches, 4) Fulfillment and 5) Longevity. This is a year that can boost individual fortunes and the world economy. The Water Dragon has: Bold, Benevolent power, and is ancient, majestic, wise, and intelligent. 2012 is auspicious for new businesses, marriage and children.
1. Exercise Care: The foundation step. All other steps are built upon this step:
Breathe, think and focus. Crisis come fast and frequently. Prepare by getting better all the time. Get excellent results from excellent training. Be patient when patience is called for, and act decisively and fast when its urgent and have wisdom to know when to do what. When in doubt act. Inertia is not your friend. No such thing this year as the status quo. When in deep water become the diver. Own the stage, go for the gold. Take very good care of yourself so you can take care of others.
2. Be comfortable with tension and ambiguous unclear behavior: This is the year of opposites that pull at each other. Example: caution and courage, big and small, enthusiasm and resignation, hope and despair, dependence and self-reliance, escape and involvement. Live through the imbalances, and return to your inner gold, find your enter, your core. Dial up your awareness. The should’s, have no place in 2012.
3. Celebrate: Make it a good time to be with YOU. Broadcast your gratitude. Motivate by example. Be enthralled with your good fortune. Treat others as you want to be treated no matter the circumstance. Live everyday like it’s one more than you deserve.
4. Believe in your personal mojo/charm. Your unique energy. Your exclusive charisma and courage. Your one of a kind exclusive ability to contribute and your capacity to produce/create new possibilities. We all have this magic, but few of us use it. Water Dragons fully express themselves and dare to go where others fear to tread. They know what gifts they have been given and what is expected of them in return. They explore and experiment with their limits.
5. Give it your best ‘GO’ to start and finish what you’ll say you’ll learn and do. Commit to yourself whatever it takes. Show more of your masterful self.
6. Water Dragons love to listen and share. Develop your networks any way you can. Online and in person. Meet, tweet and call. They are connectors. They open themselves up. They develop a reputation for adding value.
7. Still the mind/ego and meditate. Success comes from the inner space, of being in the silence. Turn down the chatter and schedule quiet time. Make it a priority each day. In the stillness comes inspiration to boldly go where you have not dared before.
Note: In 2012, better doesn’t mean easier, but better than 2011.
If you are interested in how your own ‘Sign’ fares and affects you in this year of the Water Dragon, then get in touch with me. I’m happy to serve you!
May the flow be with you. May the current always be at your back, and may you ride the wave of your dreams to successful completion.
Photo by: Franco Folini
These beings often appear in corners or in the rooms.of the home.
Various styles include personable, dramatic, inspirational, academic,
factual, scientific, fun, humorous, intellectual,
romantic, and technical. The environment such as changes in
spots. In these free of charge and keeps investigations confidential.
This is what I can gather from your comments. Do you feel safe with all these beings? Or do you require your home cleared and cleansed from these entities?
Hi, great article. My son was born at 11:12 (MST) on 12/20/2012 (one day before the end of Mayan calendar (unless you go by Eastern time, then it was after midnight). Is there anything you can tell me about him being a water dragon at the time/date he was born?
Hi Aaron:
Thank you for stopping by my website and enjoying my article on the Water Dragon 2012. To welcome your son here are a few particulars as you requested. I can give you some insights and some overview. Of course the entire picture is understood from an astrological or other more in depth reading. Your son will become his own person. Individual, unique and original in his ways and style, a leader of sorts. He will be a subjective person more inward and to himself even though he may display at times a more fiery outward enthusiasm. Home and family will play an important role in his life. He may be very interested in finances or home and family kinds of related businesses. He would be interested in friends, philosophy, and travel and spiritual pursuits. He can display a highly charged emotional nature. When it comes to the public or partnerships these will be the areas that he will be highly sensitive to, and learn lessons from as he learns to control his emotions. He will think about what he thinks is beautiful, his value system, and his self worth, as well as earning money. Keep in touch!
Linda Crane