As I’m receiving more experiences in my own life through the world and those I come in contact with; there is also a pattern in others lives that I have been privileged to work with. The message is short but profound. And the attitudes regarding self worth have been streaming through continuously. I would like to address it here: Your self worth is not determined by the amount of possessions you obtain, or what you can hold on to. Self worth is about an inner way of being, being fulfilled, and allowing it to surface through your life. We have problems in our lives when old patterns die hard.
We have bought other people’s predetermined menus for success. The internet marketers have shown us a lot of this as the way to go. I wouldn’t say they are devoid of any agendas. There are many other places you can find agendas going on as well. And we have also looked up to many others for our monetary answers. Government, family upbringing, society just to name a few.
You must learn to redefine for you what is true happiness. That very heart to heart communication with your own self, will help get you there. Being totally honest with yourself and feel the truth of it. You may have to allow your self to downsize, by making life simpler. Being encumbered one must streamline.
We have predetermined what dictates comfort for us. The answers we desire are already there to help alleviate our discomforts. We have to reach within to access the answers. Trust is the absence of doubt. Developing trust in oneself is necessary. There are some situation where truths can emerge from circumstances, and one really looks you’ll see it. This will give you a clearer picture from the well of answers within. The well has always been there for us but we just didn’t know it, or how to access it.
This connection comes with the God of your understanding. There is greatness in every individual. This greatness is of the soul not the personality ego. When we emerged into this Earth plane we brought with us an encyclopedia of knowledge. That knowledge is from instinct; which is the sum total of your LIVES’ experience, and from your generational history. Another way of looking at this is that its humanity’s history. A lot of it was manipulative and controlling. So it may be hard to trust others without that innate sense for feeling the truth. But we have allowed others to tell us what that truth is supposed to be, and live by it. Or live (buy into it).
*Loved ones pass, situations come and go leaving us off center. Experience the happiness you had with them and hold on to that. Joy does not come in a person; the joy is in Your life.
If you are looking to find someone to make you complete, then it is the wrong relationship. It is important to be validated. You have greatness inside you and you can’t allow people to deny that in you. But feel the truth by what the heart is stating to you, not by what will rile your ego. Watch the mind/ego it can be tricky here. A corrosive relationship is one in which someone allows their self esteem to grow by stealing it from others. And this can come in all forms of relationships, from business to personal. If the relationship is corrosive it is not healthy for you and is not beneficial to your growth.
We are not islands unto ourselves so we learn in relationships with other people. So don’t isolate yourself to find yourself. Interact with others. Draw on experiences with love and compassion for yourself and others. We spend so much time talking about what we hate. Lets spend more time talking about what we love with those around us and those in our family. Even talk to nature! Be opened and express what you LOVE.
With Blessings and Love,
Linda Crane
Wonderful reminders, thank you Linda. I’ve had my self esteem “stolen” from me since I was a child. I’m 40 now and those psychological and auric mechanisms are still in place. I know that energetically speaking, victimizers learn to recognize potential victims in their environment very quickly. And they’re always looking at the cracks, waiting for a moment of weakness. I am still working thru this and what I believe is a “curse” in my life, whether externally attached or internally applied, and your videos and audio files have been much help. To help me remember that I am am a being of Light & Love, and not to get ” tricked” or pressured into adopting the cynic’s attitudes and mechanisms for survival and success. Life can be lived with integrity, purity, sharing, positivity, and joy. It’s only those that have come not to believe this that are causing problems for others.
God bless,
Thank you for sharing your experience and comments on my blog post “Self Worth”. I am Happy to be of assistance! You can catch up on your good. Having eyes to see and ears to hear what’s happening about you…state to the Divine affirming that you are being guided daily to be wide awake to your good, and that you never miss a trick. Infinite intelligence give me a definite lead, let me know just what to do. As you continue to live from your integrity purity and positivity…you’re not a victim but rather someone who lives in truth and joy. You are a being of Light and Love. Blessings Linda Crane