People have been saying how much more difficult it seems to be on the whole for them. Their moods have more ups and downs, their ability to stay neutral (let alone keeping positive) has been a strain, their energy has been depleted more than usual, and they seem to be more depressed than before. So what’s up?? Can we ‘blame it on the Bossa Nova (the dance of Love)’ as the song states, or is it something else like the ability to take charge, take a concentrated hold, of your own life. This requires “taking the bull by its horns” and directing it to do your bidding. You being the bull in this regard…you have to be bullish on your own behalf. When stressers arise allow your self the ability to calm down and focus on what really is important to your life. Acting and reacting is not evolving your life. Who wants to live live just going through the motions..eating and excreting or living life as though you were on the merry go-round…Life becomes dull and boring!!! No wonder frustration surfaces.
The real culprit is not managing your stress. Stress really is going to be in the life. It is a gift if we can manage it; because it is the lesson of learning awareness so not to have the things that are affecting you from continuing in the same way. this is how you get off the merry-go-round. It’s part of your evolution. The saying: ‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’ does apply here. The real problem arises when we have stress and succumb to it. That’s where the mental confusion lies.
In this sense we do not see stress as a gift of growth and as long as we go on NOT being aware and NOT recognizing stress for what it is about and telling you, the more negative will be your life. And there lies your downward spiral that will take effort to come out of it. You can get to the other side of stress by applying positivity in a continuous state until you turn the corner to the other side. It takes effort on your part, but everything that is worthwhile has some degree of stress related to it.
In the state of succumbing to stress you are living under laws governing this planet. Like the “Wheel of Fortune”: the ups and downs of fate. This is the law that governs us on planet Earth. And as a reminder you are on this planet for a reason. When you feel you can’t get up and that your life is worthless there lies your temporary defeat. I say temporary; because all things will change as soon as you, the master of your thoughts, decides to live a life that is unlimited in receiving happiness. This is true whether it is Mercury Retrograde or not.
From June 26,2013 through July 19, 2013 it’s a Mercury Retrograde period. This blog refers to more than just those Retrograde events, but it is well noted that people, situations, circumstances, all forms of communication, and events have a way of being more mis-aligned and confusing. Mercury Retrograde is a great time to re-visit any and all situations to see if you are off track. It is a gift given us to be more clear focused and directed. It’s great for any internal work of the mind and body to restore balance and then when it goes direct move quickly forward again. Astrology is governed by Law and the workings of the planet and our solar system. Mercury which rules the mind needs a tune up when it goes retrograde. It’s a great time to re-evaluate your thinking of problem matters to focus in a positive direction for any desired outcome.
To give the mind a positive focus it is best to ask the question: What can I do to… instead of how do I do … or why is this happening… You’ll find it’s much more helpful to get answers that way. Keep asking until your answers start rolling out. Then act on what new information you have received.
We can do things differently (just to name a few) change our style, venue, appearance, thoughts, and those actions will produce results by you ‘doing your do diligence’ which will provide solutions that will enhance a more satisfying life. This happens much easier when you see things as a ‘small setback’ and then allow yourself the luxury to call to a greater energy (the God of your understanding) to give you the WISDOM to get back up and out of the rut. Being mad at God isn’t going to do anything. God is not the author of confusion and that energy only knows abundance and giving of blessings.
You by your thinking and actions hold back your own good from yourself…blaming others for your lessons that have been in disguise, until you recognize that these situations are only promptings to more awareness. And awareness is where Divine Consciousness resides. And that is what you really are longing and looking for to clear your slate and renew life. This awareness triggers your transformation.
The reason you are here on Earth is to find and live your purpose. And that causes stress until you figure that out. Many of us were not that lucky to have experienced what we are to do, and see about ourselves as we were growing up, that would lead us on our right paths. Many of us where told be for example a: Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, possibly to please someone else. We didn’t know any better so we did it and became unfulfilled and probably not great at the craft. You might have become a brilliant artist scientist, carpenter, cook, only to name a few choices; if you had the chance to do so. This is concerning that purpose you were meant to do that will bring you happiness and abundance in all things in your life. So now you become bundled with unfulfilled desires and a sense of loss, depression, frustration. Yet it is NEVER to late to do what fulfills you to whatever extent you can.
It’s only the mind/ego that resists. It’s used to your old ways. You have to retrain it to your new discoveries, your new awareness. The happier you become the more energy you will have to do more and that will allow you to work with your unlimited potential which we all were given.
Today maybe you were going to be happy. Going to skip, sing or whistle. Going to be glad. Going to smile a lot. Maybe even going to be easy on yourself. Or possibly working on counting your blessings. So you’re looking for reasons to feel good. Bringing up positive things that have happened to you from the past.
Well it is your natural state to be happy. And your natural blueprint is that of prosperity, happiness and wellness in all areas of your life. We have gotten eschew from this fact and corrupted by our society, educational systems, the media, and many people we have looked up to for answers in our lives. Sometimes it has come about from our own families and a persons childhood up bringing is a very impressionable time. There are many sources of confusion to deal with each day. Some religious upbringings haven’t helped; so who do you trust?? Since everyone has an opinion; your opinion is important when you use it as a guide to understanding what really works and is right for you. You can’t fool yourself forever. Your inner heart knows your answers. Your opinion is not in a positive place if you are just frustrated and angry, and just want to get even with someone or some cause. That’s displaced anger. Not helpful and instead of supporting you there’s no positive energy there to support you on an upward spiral.
What’s natural? What works is understanding energy (this abstract in our lives) and how it supports or drags down your body, mind and emotions. Well, everything we are discussing here has to do with energy. Most of us did not grow up in the formidable years learning about our energy system and how to use it, work with it, and manage it. We didn’t even talk for the most part in those terms. We didn’t know how to recognize it or how to improve on it. In fact this is the big “IT” that we are struggling with now to even firstly to know more about, and secondly to understand.
When you transmute a knowledge of something into a understanding of it; you then retain the wisdom and the experience that knowing (head knowledge) doesn’t have. (It is like understanding how not to look for love in all the wrong places). Once you understand a thing you have incorporated it to make it your own. A sensing and feeling on the matter has developed that now can be used and this ability now makes your understanding a usable part added to your own tool box. It now is yours. You own this understanding and it becomes a part of you as you developed. Then you are actually doing something not just “I’m going to” .
From this point the God of your understanding acknowledges your energy efforts (and lets remember that God is also The Supreme Energy) and instead of for example: I’m going to look for positive things from where I am right now in my life, it will be more like positive things are happening in my life by my sheer knowing it, and then these positive situations are showing themselves to you…with ease.
See and acknowledge these situations, persons, and events, as every person is a link to your good and the good you are projecting shows up to meet you during your day. Doing this enough times you will see the results. Actually this has to come to pass. ‘It’s a law of the Universe’. But until you have a firm hold on this you give up, and fall into stress way too easily that ends up crushing you and you might feel like you can’t get up. This way of succumbing to situations and problems becomes a habit and then a pattern that you easily fall back into.
Be mindful of your ways and thoughts…they can save your life!
We are very caught up with our days and many times don’t remember what is means to be natural. You can bet that if you have life there are stresses. What is your pattern when you look at something stressful? Do you go with it or hate it?
Could it be possible that stress is there to hone and better us to become more aware? YES! there is a higher purpose and meaning to your stress even though it’s not what most of us would consider fun. Stress is here to make us stronger yet we give into it and let it beat us at its own game.
Our relationship to the galaxy is changing as well as we are undoubtedly a great part of that change. Birthing of anything can be arduous. We are also birthing the Aquarian Age. In this astrological cycle of approximately 2000 years we are birthing the God/Man/Woman, the Aquarian within us. The symbolism is of pouring the waters of truth upon the Earth where man is becoming more conscious of everything internally within us that demands change, and is no longer useful, as well as, how those changes within our being transforms our ways of thinking and living on this planet. “As above so below as within so without”.
We are to learn to be more understanding about change. It’s a big part of life . It’s necessary and natural. ‘No change…then don’t expect any real growth in the life’. You have come to planet Earth. One of its rules is nothing stays the same for too long everything is subject to change. That’s a good thought if you’re not having a good time of things right now. But things can get more stagnant or much better. You also get to decide how you will view every situation. What you think really matters in this material world. And if you decide to change your thoughts consistently desiring a better result; you do change your conditions. Easier said than done? Well I don’t know anyone more powerful than you when it comes to YOUR life.
Problems arise when you falsely believe or feel you are not the powerful master manipulator of your own life. So mastery takes time. But it can move rather quickly in your favor once you stay consistent and vigilant with positive thoughts, words, and actions. I know it can be confronting when you naturally come to the understanding that it all starts and ends with each one of us. You might now feel like you are that important, but you are a powerful being and your true nature is light. Light dispels darkness. But many people have a lot of soot and grime (negative thoughts and negative energy patterns and behaviors), covering a great amount of the light within themselves. This keeps your light on low beam. Amping up, sharpening, increasing your light wattage will make for amazing changes in your life. Like the phrase in the song says:”Turn on you heart light”.
You may or may not of heard the expression ‘Be the change you want to see in your life’. Being the attitude you wish to attain, (lets pick gratitude for an example) brings about actions that you take, that make you do certain things, so you can ‘Have’ the desire of your heart. It’s all a chain reaction.
What will start your beginning?
Statements like these, said with feeling, brings you on the upswing: I’m going to look for positive things in my day right now. The future is the outcome of right now. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It’s natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person!” I deserve love and prosperity in my life.
It’s easy to convince yourself of anything. Say for example, you were really feeling great today, and you felt you had a lot of energy. Do you think you could convince yourself that you were soooo tired if you repeatedly said that you were so tired to yourself or to another person??? I bet you could go from feeling like you had energy to making yourself feel tired and sleepy as you kept saying it with feeling and emotion.
My point is: you can make yourself feel happy and more energized by saying with feeling those words over and over during your day even when you didn’t feel so energetic and happy. It’s not a lie it’s your desire and will to have it so. Try it and see! Put the emotion in what you are after and see the results.
The more we know the process of how our life is formed the more we are eager to now consciously and deliberately work within this growing awareness. Some ask: “You mean if I speak these words a time or two my entire day is going to reflect them?” No, but it is a beginning, for we just might have a backlog of spoken words that might express the antithesis of the above referenced statements. So, if we want to print these statements and took it with you so as to spend a number of moments with them, like a teeter totter eventually begins to reflect a shift in your weight, so will consciousness begin to shift as well.
It is important to know and understand to grow with this part of your equation before you can go from working and living a life under law which governs this planet, cause and effect (karma), to living a higher version while on Earth. The way to meet this higher version of life is next to come in part 2 of “Shifting Your Consciousness”.
Many Blessings,
Linda Crane
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