There are many applications for working with a holistic approach to health, well-being, and on healing. I’d like to help you uncover some answers concerning; “what are generational curses,” with a beginning understanding of the effects such circumstances have on a person’s life. The affects can be devastating as the harm is infiltrated onto one generation after the other.
Feeling condemned to a life less than what you had planned is not glamorous. Can somebody put a hex or spell on you and have that travel not just to you, but also through and entire family line? Yes, they can! Evidence of this is the Adam & Eve Story, where they ate of the fruit of the tree. Out of that came: all human beings are cursed until they are baptized. Sport team fans for example believed that the Red Sox’s, Chicago Cubs, and legions of people believed that these teams were cursed. Fans desperately wanting their team to win, but they can’t, why, because they’re cursed. Same thing goes for money and wanting to be prosperous. You want more money and you feel you can’t have it. Same thing goes for families with drug and alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. These are examples of a generational curse or a family curse that travels.
A generational curses start with a negative thought form that is highly energized and directed at a person with the intention of harming them. These are very potent energies that have to be handled with intention. If you really want to break the cycle, and you really want to empower yourself, your life, and break the curse, then it’s time to be aware. Become as conscious as possible about what emotions have been driving you as you start this change. Curses are such primal energies, so powerful even into this present day, and they still have an impact in your daily life. A curse directed and placed on you happens, because of anger, jealousy, greed, emotions of hatred and a great amount of judgments. You energetically absorb the thought form and you begin to fall apart.
It’s your belief that you buy into it, for whatever reason, and (someone did buy into it, way back in your family history, when it comes to generational curses). This can happen consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally. The person who received the curse was opened and vulnerable, and they felt that some person or situation had some power or authority over them, as well as believability, and that is what made it happen. Everything we do contains intention with it. Your power of knowing about something happening, receiving the energy and absorbing energy whether you realize it or not, is on various levels of your being. You need to solidify the conscious and unconscious mind together and supersede these curses and make your life the divine play you wish it to be for yourself and family. We all receive energy and it is so much a part of us, that is why energy cannot be forgotten in the 21 Century. You have to deal with it, know it’s there, and know how to work with it, to eliminate those negative energies that you are experiencing. Life is meant to be experienced as joyful and full of abundance.
A curse can come monetarily and can suck you into believing poverty is your lot in life. Some common statements are: I can never make it further than my parents did. Or I can’t make more money, have a better car, or home(s) etc. then my parents did. Or our family can only go so far. You can feel this as an unspoken situation in your family as easily as if someone directly would have told you something. On the other hand you can believe you can do better than your family has before you, be frustrated and struggle, but never get that to happen despite all your efforts.
Teachers are also very powerful and you get to feel what happens in your life and this gets solidified in your cells, and becomes cellular memory. You have to go down to the cellular memory to release the patterns that have been holding you back consciously or unconsciously. You can do this by knowledge and application of some my specific techniques that can start to alleviate the problems.
We all have ancestral history facts and stories, but we don’t have the upfront information that is locked up in the cellular memories. To gain access and connect to those issues; you have to go to the mental/emotional, sticky, uncomfortable, negative energy; that corresponds to these underlying factors. You don’t have to painfully relive what happened in this life to get rid of it. That is the work of connecting to a generational curse. It is necessary to clear these curses or they will continue to repeat from generations of subconscious patterns that still prevails today from Great, Great Grandfathers and/or Grandmothers, down to the children today of the same lineage.
We have taken for granted the way things are now, and have been, by not knowing what we can do about it. The knowledge is available at this time in history, and science is proving that history is not our destiny. Our genes hold remarkable data that can be cleared for your blessings to start to flow. A scientific background is not required, just your responsibility to the issues at hand. Responsibility will bring the power back to you to control your destiny. I would like to note that responsibility does not imply any guilt. It does mean that because you chose to be responsible you are acknowledging that you have decided to start the change. Your ability to clear the problems has always been there, you just had to recognize it.
This clearing method is not a difficult long journey. This energetic process is easier than you may think. Even though I am an Ordained Minister, you don’t need a priest to heal and clear the curse. This was a religious belief of the past that kept this process in the dark. And to some extent, movies like “The Exorcist” kept in our thoughts that a priest is necessary, because the movie was scary and healing the negativity is out of your hands. Actually, the DVD, “Breaking the Family Curse and the CD, “Curses to Blessings,” is a very spiritual, safe and rejuvenating process.
You are valuable. You do deserve the best in life. I have put together, a step by step, 7 Points DVD detailed process, with examples from my own life. There is also available my cleaning CD, with clear instructions to follow along with me, that will assist you in taking definable steps to dissolve problems that YOU can do for yourself, your family, and your children.
In addition, my healing process gives you the information to clear up an event or situation from family members who have passed on, where there was unfinished business. Energy has no boundaries and you can heal with those people, loved ones, and places/locations, where you still feel the desire to complete some situation.
The healing goes exponentially in both directions as it is cleared. It all starts with the work you do with this system for yourself…and from there it is also transmitted to your past, present, and future and to others in your well being/healing journey.
Think the good thoughts they are a lot easier to handle.
Photo from -yury-
In Love, Abundance, and Blessings,
Linda Crane
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